I Once.


New Member
I once bought tickets to bonnaroo for the 3RD year in a row...but this year will be the best ever because

METALLICA....WILL BE THERE.....:blsmoke:bongsmilie


Well-Known Member
i once went to high school with vodka, passed out in math, went home and got suspended.

my parents got divorced because of it. or so i believe.

its the only thing i regret.


Well-Known Member
i once was 5 and had my back torn up by a 10 foot ball python.
i once was not taken to the hospital because my back was torn up by a 10 foot ball python while i was 5.


Active Member
I once use to surf every day:hump:, then i moved to a dry sandy hot place with no waves:confused:, its amazing what pussy will do:roll:


Too many brownies
I once shot an air bubble into my vein while banging an Oxy and almost killed myself.
wait what? im confused...It couldnt have been the air buble because you would need about a FULL syringe of air for it to do anything.

Ive been i nthe hospital a few times and the IV's will occasionally get air in them. The nurses and even the dr's have always told me that it would take about 10cc's of straight air to have negative effects.

He said the worst those small bubbles would do is cause a small portion of the vein the IV is in to die and thats over numerous bubbles pass thro. Which sounds alot worse than it really is. It happens all the time from intravenous drug use/IV's.


Too many brownies
I once protested agianst abortions online while jacking off:cry:
I once drove by all those protesting assholes at the abortion clinic who get in your face with disgusting photos and nasty attitudes and yelled "I KILL BABIES", "IVE KILLED OVER A DOZEN BABIES", "IM A BABY KILLING GOD"

They all get really excited every time I drive by.


Master of Mayhem
wait what? im confused...It couldnt have been the air buble because you would need about a FULL syringe of air for it to do anything.

Ive been i nthe hospital a few times and the IV's will occasionally get air in them. The nurses and even the dr's have always told me that it would take about 10cc's of straight air to have negative effects.

He said the worst those small bubbles would do is cause a small portion of the vein the IV is in to die and thats over numerous bubbles pass thro. Which sounds alot worse than it really is. It happens all the time from intravenous drug use/IV's.
All I know is that at the last moment of pushing on the plunger I looked down and there was an air bubble about 1/4 the length of the syringe (31 gauge 1cc short). I didn't realize what I was seeing until I had already finished pushing. The next thing I knew I woke up with a huge knot on my head because I passed out afterward and hit the wall. It scared the shit outta me dude. :neutral:


Well-Known Member
I once drove by all those protesting assholes at the abortion clinic who get in your face with disgusting photos and nasty attitudes and yelled "I KILL BABIES", "IVE KILLED OVER A DOZEN BABIES", "IM A BABY KILLING GOD"

They all get really excited every time I drive by.
psssh I do that to everybody dude. Some laddy walking out of blockbuster with her kids and they get the "I FUCKING EAT CHILDREN!! WITH FUCKING NOODLES AND I CAME HERE TO GET NOODLES!!!


Well-Known Member
psssh I do that to everybody dude. Some laddy walking out of blockbuster with her kids and they get the "I FUCKING EAT CHILDREN!! WITH FUCKING NOODLES AND I CAME HERE TO GET NOODLES!!!
i don't know why but the noodle part was hella funny.

I once smoked a bowl and then thought i should clean my screen right after i just got done smokeing, and i got the screen out pretty much right after i hit it and the screen melted in to my thumb.this happened like 2 seconds ago mind you.


Well-Known Member
i once did a "drive by" shrubbery and put the shrub in their neighbors yard.
i once wondered what that person thought of their neighbor "stealing" their bush.


New Member
I once went home with two lesbians that worked for me to bump uglies..after about an hour one of them went to the closet and came out with this big ol john holmes strap on...I did not realize I was to be the "inductee"...I told her that it was an exit only hole and I left....quickly...