I over grew, now what?


Ok so it is my first real grow and i let them veg for far too long! my 8 girls are in a 8x4.5x6.5 tent. i let them veg for 72 days and when i placed my 1000w hood assy on to the light rail the plants were already touching the tops of the plants. I removed the $30 balance bar they sold me when i got the light rail and fabricated my own bracket to directly bolt the hood to the mover motor. This opened up about 7 inches between my hood and tops of the plants. i have had to bend and tuck the larger branches up under the trellis to guard from touching the glass of the hood. i have a xxxl hood with a 8in fan pulling air conditioned air through it. The tent stays 78 degrees with the light and fan on. What can i do at this point to hinder upward growth with out interrupting the plants natural energy distribution? I don't want to top at this stage of flowering and i have no room for lst. Any solution? Also, the plants that were directly under the light for about 4 days have some signs of heat stress. What could i give them to help recover from the damage?

Ill get a few pics up tomorrow.


Well-Known Member
I did this too, one of my plants is wayy too tall, and another is getting there. Already had to raise the light twice, and I came home from work today to find out that one of my plants grew up to the light and now the whole top part is dried and shriveled.

Is supercropping the main stem okay?


Well-Known Member
Oh buddy, you have an issue on your hands if you cant get thoes lights up and if their too stiff to bend over and tie.


i was thinking about packing my 2, 8 bulb t5's with flower spectrum bulbs if they get too close to the 1000w salvage what i can


Well-Known Member
Hello fellow Michigander!
If I were you and you didn't want to super-crop, I would just gently bend the tall ones over and tie them down, basically LST but when they are bigger. I can tell the stems of most of them are alright to do this.

I have height problems as well cause I grow in a attic and I am constantly tying down branches that get to close to the light, in my eyes its the best method in flower because well its Low Stress Training.


Well-Known Member
How about trying "Bushmaster" to stop vertical growth. Haven't tried it myself but heard it works.


Well-Known Member
top em. or cut them down to whatever size you need.
plants can and will recover from almost all soft tissue damage so don't be afraid to cut those bastards right in half. just be aware of what certain amputations will do to hormone balance in the plant.
llets say your plant is too tall, and you top it at the 4th node. im guessing at this point that those branches below are pretty big so be prepared to either have an equally gigantic cannabis bush if you don't flower immediately. id love to see the plants tho. get some pics up so we have a better idea


How about trying "Bushmaster" to stop vertical growth. Haven't tried it myself but heard it works.
Will this product have ill effects as i am 2 1/2 weeks into fowering?
top em. or cut them down to whatever size you need.
plants can and will recover from almost all soft tissue damage so don't be afraid to cut those bastards right in half. just be aware of what certain amputations will do to hormone balance in the plant.
llets say your plant is too tall, and you top it at the 4th node. im guessing at this point that those branches below are pretty big so be prepared to either have an equally gigantic cannabis bush if you don't flower immediately. id love to see the plants tho. get some pics up so we have a better idea
The hormone balance is what i am worried about. I am 2 1/2 weeks into flower and do not want to take any of the plants energy away from flower production. as for pics, the plants pictured in the first page are the ones in question.


Well-Known Member
cobra your ahead of the game.. dont listen to the guy telling you to cut.. If you cannot bend.. bend whatever you can.. Some may burn up but youll still get bud.. trust me


Well-Known Member
Wtf you expect 72 days in veg? I veg 21-28 days! My closet is only 84" high so I want my plant about 56" plus 12" for the pot and dirt and I know 12"! And this is cutting it close! So then I top it at 18" I always figure they'll get 3x big!


Well-Known Member
Will this product have ill effects as i am 2 1/2 weeks into fowering?
no ill effects I am aware of. Of course you should not overdo it with any product at this point. The plants still grow but sideways,...they are bushier. I believe is is a "phospho-load" type of product made from kelp.
Like I said, I have not used it myself so I am not intimate familiar with it. Here is a link to a bushmaster grow:



Well-Known Member
Don't top, just bend down and tie the ones you can; the ones you cannot super-crop and try to get a nice even canopy using those two techniques. You definitely do not want to remove the top growth at this stage, you will do more harm to your overall yield if you top now, even letting the top bud sites dry is a better alternative then topping (my opinion).



Well-Known Member
Ur gonna have to tie more than that I think, how many weeks are u in to flowering? Don't b afraid to pull those pretty buds to the side, or risk out growing ur space. I had something similar happen, although not for 72. Days. :lol: what I did, and I think u should, if u can get the very top of the plant pulled under the 2nd top, it will redirect the growth hormone to the bottm of the plant, making them grow more, and the top will stall. But plants don't stop growing, till 5weeks or so in to flowering, then more swelling,