I passed my UA!

I passed my UA using quick fix. It costs $20, which is kind of expensive for something that gets flushed down the toilet. But I look at it as an investment, not as a cost. I will purchase 2 more bottles, keeping one at home and one in my lunch bag. Basically, the way it works is you take the lid off and heat it up for 10 seconds (probably a little more if it’s in the fridge) and it has a thermometer on the side. If I get surprised with a random at work, I can simply say that I don’t have to pee and can heat it up in the break room and get it done later. If you exceed 100 degrees, I would wait for a bit to let it cool down.
What state are u in and what lab did u go to? I'm contemplating using QF 5.7 and am nervous as hell trying to get all the positive Info I can..
What state are u in and what lab did u go to? I'm contemplating using QF 5.7 and am nervous as hell trying to get all the positive Info I can..
bro nothing to worry about i use to use quick fix all the time and got alot of my friends on it and it works everytime, warning thou they change the technologly in UA test but if you send your quick fix in to the company they will replace it with once that is up todate if you have an old bottle, also and i cant stress this enough, be very carefull using the microwave to heat it up, ive used QF for years when i had to take UA's and i failed once because i warmed it up to hot and the nurse came in and goes Mr Solberg is there a reason you pee is 102 degrees? the best way to warm it up is just to put it on your bladder under your underwear 2 hours before you have to take your UA. If you live in Oregon or Washington QF is Ten bucks its awesome.
Thanks bro. It's brand new batch number ends with 13. Been practicing keeping temp right. Seems to be pretty easy to keep right. Plus it's the Canadian version with the crystals. Probably gonna be at labcorp. P.s I'm in FL.
Thanks bro. It's brand new batch number ends with 13. Been practicing keeping temp right. Seems to be pretty easy to keep right. Plus it's the Canadian version with the crystals. Probably gonna be at labcorp. P.s I'm in FL.
Right on, ya labcorp is pretty popular place for companies to have UA's tested, i live in Seattle and they use labcorp. The way i use to do it is ear a pair of boxers then shorts then pants, the rim of the shorts hold the bottle right in place under my underwear so it doesnt slip down and fall out your pant leg (which has happen to me) I use to have "number 1#" which is bascially a strap on belt underwear deal with a fake penis and i have to tell ya it cost more and is terribly uncomfortable after a full work day, but with QF i could work 12 hour days at Rosen Plumbing and never had an issue with it. When i worked there they hired on some temp workers from select staff and one was caught doing coke in the bathroom so they made everyone sign a release saying they can search your car and person for drugs if they feel tha they need it and will be doing random UA's, man i tryed everything from those retarded 60 dollar drinks to powders to differnt herbs and vits and nothing worked but quick fix, its hands down the best cheapest and easies way to fake a UA that or use someone else urine, me and a buddy did that once with my ex girlfriends piss they dont check if you are male or female they only test for a nanogram limit of THC