i really want to hurt someone


Well-Known Member


Active Member
I bet this is the time of year that many ppl post up with theft and deer munching. I just wonder if bambi gets high as a kite after eating a plant?


Well-Known Member
no man! but thanks for pointing that out

i imagine the maggot who stole my plant probably cant read and wright let alone operating a computer ( no offence to illiterate people out there ,im no einstein either look at my spelling)

i set up a motion alarm and parked a old car in sight of the plants
No prob man.

I am NOT tryin to make it worse but...

Its time to pick a new spot and not tell a fuckin person.

Look at it like this:

Would you set a few thousand dollars in a field and then tell someone where it is??


Well-Known Member
i feel for you....but they will be back.....hope you can catch them this time...again THEY WILL BE BACK....
I agree, They will be back. Get that mother fucker and make him pay! He needs to spend some time in a wheel chair and ponder on what he has done to you, This shit is fucked up. This is what I'm doing now, sleeping with my plants, Fuckin theifs make me do this.



Well-Known Member
Beat some ass... They aint callin no cops. And find a new spot lol

my thoughts exactly. if im going to get charged with assult his ass is going to get charged with theft + cultivation of marijuana.

is search for the mother f***er that took it and beat a head in.......... that 3-6 OZ's is $450-$1000 you'll have to spend on weed, personaly i say that merrits an ass-kicking.


Well-Known Member
No prob man.

I am NOT tryin to make it worse but...

Its time to pick a new spot and not tell a fuckin person.

Look at it like this:

Would you set a few thousand dollars in a field and then tell someone where it is??
look ! im not stupid ! i didnt tell anyone where my plants were but people know i smoke and it just takes 1 clown to see you drive up a road for him to put 2 & 2 together! anyways ! next year im changing spots for sure tho


New Member
Ever shoot off those plastic poppers at new years? Very cheap and easy to set up a perimeter with them along the trail. If you live nearby, wait for the sound.


Well-Known Member
look ! im not stupid ! i didnt tell anyone where my plants were but people know i smoke and it just takes 1 clown to see you drive up a road for him to put 2 & 2 together! anyways ! next year im changing spots for sure tho
Dude, I never called you stupid. Chill out. :weed:

I thought you mentioned previously in the thread you had told someone?

My mistake. I can understand you being snappy, so ill leave this at that.


Well-Known Member
Reputation goes a long way into not getting fucked with, I was known heavily as a psychopath with sick fighting skills, ive hospitalized a few guys in my time (one on a breathing machine after I front kicked him in the chest with boots) now when someone doesnt know me they might attempt to fuck with me like this new guy to our area liked a girl I was with, and rumour got around he was going to fuck me up with a baseball bat, I put the word out he best have a good bat, then my reputation reached back around to this guy and in the end his DAD apologized to me, and me and my gang we got high in his house with his dad and watched that movie with billy connely about the man that sued god lol.

You need to fuck some people up sometimes, do it enough times and you don't really ever need to show much force again, they just hear about you and will either do one of two thinks step up or step down, make sure you make a example of those that step up.

A wise wise wise Middleman mob boss and big time personal friend of mine said sometimes you just gotta crack skulls to let the streets know your still there.


Well-Known Member
Dude, I never called you stupid. Chill out. :weed:

I thought you mentioned previously in the thread you had told someone?

My mistake. I can understand you being snappy, so ill leave this at that.
sorry i just had a really shitty day and im snappy right now! but its all good im gonna put a batterie operated motion detector and if he comes back hopefully the noise and lights will scare him off,,,


Well-Known Member
Reputation goes a long way into not getting fucked with, I was known heavily as a psychopath with sick fighting skills, ive hospitalized a few guys in my time (one on a breathing machine after I front kicked him in the chest with boots) now when someone doesnt know me they might attempt to fuck with me like this new guy to our area liked a girl I was with, and rumour got around he was going to fuck me up with a baseball bat, I put the word out he best have a good bat, then my reputation reached back around to this guy and in the end his DAD apologized to me, and me and my gang we got high in his house with his dad and watched that movie with billy connely about the man that sued god lol.

You need to fuck some people up sometimes, do it enough times and you don't really ever need to show much force again, they just hear about you and will either do one of two thinks step up or step down, make sure you make a example of those that step up.

A wise wise wise Middleman mob boss and big time personal friend of mine said sometimes you just gotta crack skulls to let the streets know your still there.
Better to rule by fear then kindness!
When i was a 5 year old kid (45 now) we moved to a neighborhood in East Los Angles. A bad neighborhood in the poor section of town. I was riding my bike up and down the street, then i went a li'l too far and my bike was stolen and put up a tree by these teen-aged boys just fucking with me, you know, the new kid. I ran home and told my father, and took my father to where the teens were hanging out. I pointed out the boy who took my bike. My father approached the boy and told him to retrieve the bike. The boy went up the tree, got the bike and handed it down to another boy. As soon as that boys feet hit the ground, my pops hit that kid square in the chest and dropped that kid. He stood over that kid and said "You ever fuck with me or my family again i'll kill you fuckers, you understand me? I'll kill you fuckers". I was thinking Holy Shit, my pops has flipped out! He's going to jail.
Mom and Dad still live in that same house for over 40 years now, and they have never been ripped off, me and my siblings were NEVER fucked with again as kids, in fact the neighbors (teens) protected us from the riff raff in the neighborhood.

Rule with fear, not kindness.

hopefully that motion sensor alarm doesnt get tripped by an animal and draw attention to your patch.... just somethin to think about

northeastern lights

Well-Known Member
I wouldn't suggest violence. Seems like all these young kids now a days go to jail ( sometimes for life ) for their pride. One small thing snowballs into someone getting killed or seriouly hurt. I feel you bro, I'd be sooooo mad if my girl/girls got robbed. Play it smart, there will always be a next season, unless your behind bars. Though I do like the paintball idea.

EDIT: Kicking his ass would make you feel better but possably lead to mre problems. I know, I know... easier said than done.