i redid my slide-show video


Green Thumb of God
I think you already know of your hero like influence on me. Your gardens fuel my passion to grow thanks FDD


Well-Known Member
Fukin Kinkos rocks !

They did an awesome job on this bad boy,4 of us stood over the photo in kinkos looking at the layers of detail that came out of the picture,im in awe at the job Kinkos did enlarging this thing,im also pretty astounded at the detail fdd captured in the picture,i wish i had some camera skills.

I know my picture of this hanging on my wall wont do it any justice but im gonna try like hell to get a good pic,in person this thing is stunning & looks fantastic in our music room/smoking lounge.

My camera is charging right now plus i got a few things to do for my wife but as soon as ive completed my tasks around the home i'll get some pics of this bad boy up.


Well-Known Member
Here's the finished product.

I took about 20 different shots & this was the best one of them all,i assure that it looks 10 times more detailed in person,the sky is so blue it looks like im looking out a window,my wife loves it too,our oldest son was visiting & when he saw it he just shook his head & said "you 2 old stoners kill me with this hippy stuff" :bigjoint:

The pic fits right in with the rest of my decorations in that room,my wife isnt allowed to decorate in this room,it's all mine :bigjoint:



Well-Known Member
Thanks fellas,that pic is my favorite peice in the room,it's new name is "Trichome sunrise".