I screwed up topping!!?


Active Member
So I topped my 4 female northern lights. First time topping. 3 went perfect, no issues. But one only grew back 1 top/chute. So I cut that one aswell thinking maybe this time ill get 2. But instead nothing grew back! What did I do wrong? It's been a week. The other 3 are flourishing, but this one has no top! What's going to happen?


Well-Known Member
It all depends. Some phenos of a particular strain like to be topped and some don't. Some plants like to grow into a nice christmas tree shape or stay real columnar and struggle when topped. Yeild really depends on genetics but generally your going to yield more when topped just because more of the plant is exposed to higher levels of light and the hormones are more evenly dispersed.

Example: both plants are the same age

BTK Kush Indica leaning pheno
This one doesn't respond to topping as well as it's sister which is a more sativa leaning pheno.

BTK Kush sativa leaning pheno,loves being topped.



Active Member
But I didn't top it correctly, or Atleast it didn't respond correctly. I have no top now. Only two big fan leaves.


Active Member
It all depends. Some phenos of a particular strain like to be topped and some don't. Some plants like to grow into a nice christmas tree shape or stay real columnar and struggle when topped. Yeild really depends on genetics but generally your going to yield more when topped just because more of the plant is exposed to higher levels of light and the hormones are more evenly dispersed.

Example: both plants are the same age

BTK Kush Indica leaning pheno
This one doesn't respond to topping as well as it's sister which is a more sativa leaning pheno.

BTK Kush sativa leaning pheno,loves being topped.

very nice plants friend


Well-Known Member
But I didn't top it correctly, or Atleast it didn't respond correctly. I have no top now. Only two big fan leaves.
So there are no branches at all? Also, like I said some plants don't respond well to topping, it might just take a super long time before you see new growth.
But I didn't top it correctly, or Atleast it didn't respond correctly. I have no top now. Only two big fan leaves.
you should try to get a pic up... this would make helping so much easier. i use two different methods to top plants. here is one of them, which i do when plants are small.


the other method is to cut the top 1/3 or so off the end of the branch or top, large enough to take a cutting from. even if left with just a cut branch at the top, the branches below will shoot up very quickly.
Ya I did there's plenty of growth just no main colas anymore, just side branches.
no worries! those side branches will shoot up quickly and all become main colas! (unless strain doesn't respond well to topping) when i take clones i do essentially what you are saying you did. cut off the end of the branch, with all the new growth. whatever is left on the plant takes off and becomes the new main branch (or branches).