i see root at the bottom of the container

high all

i just transplant into slightly bigger pot , after maybe one week i see the roots at the bottom of the container , and i notice that growth is so slow .
should i re transplant them ?


Well-Known Member
Probly man if its out growing that size container so soon. How many gallon container is your plant in right now?
lol , i have a limited space , i cant have 10 gallon container in their !
so any idea for the ideal pot size for my box

btw , thx for your input


Well-Known Member
Try to transplant as few times as necessary. It causes some shock. If you just moved it t a new pot a week ago and are seeing one ormtwo roots'by the drain hole that certainly doesnt mean the soil'is'filled with roots. A few water seeking roots will always go straight down but most likely there is a lot more room. Slow'growth may actually be attributed to the transplant.