i see your branches thinning during harvest


New Member
I've watched a few grows..and some of the "better"ones,appear to thin the leaves,more and more as the plant nears the final stages,...are you people deliberately doing this?..for light penetration?...or to direct the energy of the plant to the bud?...since I do a SOG...very little light penetrates my grow,so the bottom half of the plant is bare....mine 308.jpgthis is 10 plants...I usually do nine...don't ask me why I did 10.....wouldn't have made a whole lot of difference....the leaves,i understand,are the "engine" for the plant....mine 307.jpg


Active Member
I personally like to thin so the plant is putting more energy into producing quality bud rather than supporting relatively superfluous water leaves/larf.


Well-Known Member
I let the plant decide for itself. The only leaves I pull are damaged and/or yellow. Some strains fade more than others and some start fading earlier than others. Imo and from my experience defoliation stunts yield. Diverting energy to buds by defoliation is a myth. Buds need the leaves to process light. Use stored energy in the leaves when cloudy or soil is dry etc..


Well-Known Member
^^^^ what he said

dont stress ur plants... and i dont pull the damaged leaves because the plants is still using them. i help the leaves to fall off when they are ready to and that;s it


Well-Known Member
I remove leaves that are yellow or heavily damaged in some way. I also gradually clean any bottom grow that is not going to contribute much in the final days. I try to pluck small undergrowth popcorn when it shows up, mainly because I don't want to wait on it to ripen at the end for little return.