I spilled a full glass of water into my computer!

Porky B

Well-Known Member
And it still works!

I have a big tall Antec computer case that is the perfect height, and location, to set food and drinks on. This computer case also has a very large vent hole right on the top toward the back over the processor and video card.

A perfect recipe for disaster right?

Every time I would set a cup of soup, glass of milk, soda, or whatever on top of the case I would think to myself "I really shouldn't put liquids on top of this....if it spilled....that would be it for my computer!" But of course being a stoner.....I would put it there anyway, I've been doing this for years now!

Well a few days ago it happened. I knocked a completely full glass of water directly into the vent hole while my computer was running! I immediately reached for the back of the computer to pull the power plug. Before I could even pull the plug though, the screen went black and the computer shut off. I instantly thought "I am fucked, there goes my only computer! What an idiot I am!"

Well never one to give up easily and being handy with computers I got straight to work. I opened up the case and unplugged and removed everything - just like in the movies when a soldier field strips a weapon in record time. I had water in everything, the power supply, video card, motherboard, you name it. I blasted everything out with compressed air, laid it all out in the sun for a day and a half, then put it all back together. Plugged it in and......

It works!

So you might think I've learned a lesson here but you would be wrong. Guess where my coffee is right now? ;-)

Now I'd like to hear some other peoples stoner moments. (so i can feel better about myself)

Lets hear your stories of times you knew you shouldn't do something and you did it anyways and exactly what you thought would happen happened.



Well-Known Member
"Hmm" "pretty" "crazy." "And" "now" "you" "know" "you" "can" "fix" "it" "so" "it" "gives" "you" "all" "the" "more" "reason" "to" "put" "liquids" "on" "top" "of" "it".


Well-Known Member
Back in the 70s a buddy and I were out riding motorcycles. We stopped over at a girl's house that we knew in school. She was there with another cute girl and her boyfriend. My buddy had an almost new Yamaha 360 enduro. A pretty peppy bike for it's day. I was riding it around their circular driveway which was pretty large. After one loop and popping a few very minor wheelies I got near the entrance of the driveway and nailed it. The bike hit it's power band and left me behind face down on the pavement and proceeded to hit a tree, still in the wheely position. I've never been so embarrassed in my life. Plus it bent the forks when it hit the tree, not to mention the rear fender so it cost me several hundred dollars to make a fool out of myself.

Porky B

Well-Known Member
The bike hit it's power band and left me behind face down on the pavement and proceeded to hit a tree, still in the wheely position. I've never been so embarrassed in my life. Plus it bent the forks when it hit the tree, not to mention the rear fender so it cost me several hundred dollars to make a fool out of myself.

I too learned the hard way about a motorcycles power band. hahaha


New Member
water isn't really that bad for electronics. It can be, but a lot of the time if you turn it off right away and let it dry out thoroughly it works just like before. I had a phone that my friend's dog chewed up so bad he demanded to give me $60, I told him don't bother because I'd probably spend it on weed anyway instead of a phone, but anyways it went through the washer and dryer. It wouldn't work properly at first so I bought a new phone, turned it on a couple weeks later and everything that was wrong with it worked fine. Then my car got stolen and they took my phone for some reason so I got an iphone 4 on sale for $50. I'm pretty lucky sometimes


Well-Known Member
water isn't really that bad for electronics. It can be, but a lot of the time if you turn it off right away and let it dry out thoroughly it works just like before. I had a phone that my friend's dog chewed up so bad he demanded to give me $60, I told him don't bother because I'd probably spend it on weed anyway instead of a phone, but anyways it went through the washer and dryer. It wouldn't work properly at first so I bought a new phone, turned it on a couple weeks later and everything that was wrong with it worked fine. Then my car got stolen and they took my phone for some reason so I got an iphone 4 on sale for $50. I'm pretty lucky sometimes
where the hell do u get an iphone for 50 bucks? jesus you are lucky. but good job OP for taking it apart and letting it dry. lol


Well-Known Member
And it still works!

I have a big tall Antec computer case that is the perfect height, and location, to set food and drinks on. This computer case also has a very large vent hole right on the top toward the back over the processor and video card.

A perfect recipe for disaster right?

Every time I would set a cup of soup, glass of milk, soda, or whatever on top of the case I would think to myself "I really shouldn't put liquids on top of this....if it spilled....that would be it for my computer!" But of course being a stoner.....I would put it there anyway, I've been doing this for years now!

Well a few days ago it happened. I knocked a completely full glass of water directly into the vent hole while my computer was running! I immediately reached for the back of the computer to pull the power plug. Before I could even pull the plug though, the screen went black and the computer shut off. I instantly thought "I am fucked, there goes my only computer! What an idiot I am!"

Well never one to give up easily and being handy with computers I got straight to work. I opened up the case and unplugged and removed everything - just like in the movies when a soldier field strips a weapon in record time. I had water in everything, the power supply, video card, motherboard, you name it. I blasted everything out with compressed air, laid it all out in the sun for a day and a half, then put it all back together. Plugged it in and......

It works!

So you might think I've learned a lesson here but you would be wrong. Guess where my coffee is right now? ;-)

Now I'd like to here some other peoples stoner moments. (so i can feel better about myself)

Lets here your stories of times you knew you shouldn't do something and you did it anyways and exactly what you thought would happen happened.

not gonne read that, too small, but I'll relate a similar experience.

I spilled a whole bowl of Top Ramen in my computer, I was mid Molten Core Raid as off tank (WoW reference). Computer screen went all sorts of different colors then just shut off .... scared the bejesus out of me ... let alone pissed me off about the raid. Took it all apart, cleaned off the parts best I could, let it all dry out, put it back together and it was running better than before it seemed lol.

Moral of the story ... even computers need showers every now and then :D


New Member
where the hell do u get an iphone for 50 bucks? jesus you are lucky. but good job OP for taking it apart and letting it dry. lol
it was on the radio, a Canadian company called Telus just got the IPhones and put on a sale for a week. After all the charges it was $150, still pretty good though

Porky B

Well-Known Member
not gonne read that, too small, but I'll relate a similar experience.

I spilled a whole bowl of Top Ramen in my computer, I was mid Molten Core Raid as off tank (WoW reference). Computer screen went all sorts of different colors then just shut off .... scared the bejesus out of me ... let alone pissed me off about the raid. Took it all apart, cleaned off the parts best I could, let it all dry out, put it back together and it was running better than before it seemed lol.

Moral of the story ... even computers need showers every now and then :D
LoL at the WoW reference!

I played the shit out of that game when it first came out. After awhile I realized if I put the same time and effort into growing weed as I did playing World of Warcraft I'd be a master grower!

Haven't played in years and look at my grows now. :weed:

But I guess you won't be able to read this either cause its too small? :confused: (not sure what that means)



Well-Known Member
We shook-up 2 cans of coke and put them in the breakroom microwave for 20 minutes on high and then left and never went back...I was scared for like 6 months...lol...this was over 20 years ago, so hopefully no ones looking for me!

...but I never really found out what happened.


Well-Known Member
Rice is a godsend when dealing with wet electronics... it works great, and I've used it on multiple devices including computer boards.


Well-Known Member
it was on the radio, a Canadian company called Telus just got the IPhones and put on a sale for a week. After all the charges it was $150, still pretty good though
Shit, "Telus just got the IPhones and put on a sale for a week" is a long name for a company. Jk.


Well-Known Member
Speaking of iPhones, my lady dropped hers in the jacuzzi the other week and pulled it out real quick. To our amazement the damn thing still worked! It had a case on it but still. I've lost 2 phones before while lifting up the toilet seat to take a wizz and the damn things fall out of my shirt pocket, kerplunk. Yeah, I'm bored...

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
Hehe. Is that the antec p180/190 or such?

I started watercooling computers maybe a month or so after i got my first computer and have done it to every one since. I've flooded more computers and components than i can remember. Not broken anything yet, even flooded the cpu socket.

Porky B

Well-Known Member
We shook-up 2 cans of coke and put them in the breakroom microwave for 20 minutes on high and then left and never went back...I was scared for like 6 months...lol...this was over 20 years ago, so hopefully no ones looking for me!

...but I never really found out what happened.
Thats a long time to wonder what happened!

Out of shear curiosity I demand you run the experiment again! :-P

Let us know what happens. bongsmilie

Total Head

Well-Known Member
i must've been stoned or tired or something because i once set a freshly watered plant on top of my closed laptop JUST FOR A SECOND so i could get the bus bucket. then my phone rang and i forgot. the drippings all ran toward one side so when i saw it i grabbed the laptop and propped it up on my guest bed (lol) using pillows so all the water could drain back out the side it came in. left it for 2 days. the thing works just fine now unless i open it abruptly, then it restarts...i'll live.

The Cryptkeeper

Well-Known Member
And it still works!

I have a big tall Antec computer case that is the perfect height, and location, to set food and drinks on. This computer case also has a very large vent hole right on the top toward the back over the processor and video card.

A perfect recipe for disaster right?

Every time I would set a cup of soup, glass of milk, soda, or whatever on top of the case I would think to myself "I really shouldn't put liquids on top of this....if it spilled....that would be it for my computer!" But of course being a stoner.....I would put it there anyway, I've been doing this for years now!

Well a few days ago it happened. I knocked a completely full glass of water directly into the vent hole while my computer was running! I immediately reached for the back of the computer to pull the power plug. Before I could even pull the plug though, the screen went black and the computer shut off. I instantly thought "I am fucked, there goes my only computer! What an idiot I am!"

Well never one to give up easily and being handy with computers I got straight to work. I opened up the case and unplugged and removed everything - just like in the movies when a soldier field strips a weapon in record time. I had water in everything, the power supply, video card, motherboard, you name it. I blasted everything out with compressed air, laid it all out in the sun for a day and a half, then put it all back together. Plugged it in and......

It works!

So you might think I've learned a lesson here but you would be wrong. Guess where my coffee is right now? ;-)

Now I'd like to here some other peoples stoner moments. (so i can feel better about myself)

Lets here your stories of times you knew you shouldn't do something and you did it anyways and exactly what you thought would happen happened.

Please spell 'hear' correctly. =) You are not denoting a place/location. You are denoting an action/ability. =)

Porky B

Well-Known Member
Hehe. Is that the antec p180/190 or such?

I started watercooling computers maybe a month or so after i got my first computer and have done it to every one since. I've flooded more computers and components than i can remember. Not broken anything yet, even flooded the cpu socket.
Wow! What a great guess!

That is exactly right - the p180. You know your shit!

As you can see....it has a vent hole thats perfect for pouring liquids in. :shock:

Knowing how sensitive computers are to static electricity I am amazed at how much abuse they can take.