I think flushing is a myth heres why

A small sample. I have plenty. This plant was harvested that day. Notice the green leaves from not starving it?



NICE looking buds unclepirate, very nice!
I gotta learn to take pics of my ladies like that. very nice

Welcome to RIU Burwood, glad you are with us today.
Hope you hang around, you seem to have valuable experience that you can share with others.
Nice post too. :cool:

thanks GreatWhiteNorth!
I've fallen on my face plenty of times, but I get up and figure out why, or at least how not to again lol
I've read alot of posts where people were not much help, .... so many different personalities.
RIU helps put things into perspective.
If we all help each other out.... the world will be FULL of bomb ass marijuana!
Let Me help you guys out.... On Soil My "flush" is aprox 1/2gallon per pot size, with plain water, 3 days before chop..., I have found this to be be the best time to clear excess waste from the system... on a hydro system I lower PPM to around 400-500 5 days before chop a full 4x4 or 8x8 table will eat most of that in about 3-5 days depending on resivoir size...

now let me explain the theory..., Picture a Shrimp... now picture eating a shrimp that has a full waste tract (poop)... bitter and nasty... yuck... unlike shrimp, on a plant you can't "de-vain it"... stop the suckers for eating for a day or two... then the garbage is excreeted from the shrimp and it tastes good... This is the same with the plant... flush most of the chemicals out of the plant and it will taste "fresh and natrual"... but if you insist on flushing multiple times, then you will be underfeeding the plant, creating deficiencies and Ruin some of your work... and possibly ruin the yield of your crop because of starvation...

also... for those of you that use molasses/honey/budcandy/etc... cut it out at least 1 week before chop... I can smell that crap in the plant after harvest... you don't need to be feeding "benificial bacteria" on the last week... and it will NOT add any weight to the plants... it also does not improve the "smell", nor the "taste" or the "resin count"... your best bet instead is to add some MPK... (mono-potassium-phosphate 0-52-34)... (big bud/ Mother of all bloom/liquid cool bloom/etc...) the last two weeks... don't go over 2.8 EC (1400ppm on Ec x 500) and use a base of 700ppm..., last week cut base down to 600ppm and stay at 1400ppm (2.8 Ec) untill flush with tap water... you should bairly get leaf yellowing on the last week... clearing Nitrogen out of the system... and YES... I sugest forceing some yellowing on the last week... as it clears more Nitrogen out and smells better...

Hang drying with leaves on, fan blowing air around to prevent mold, dehumidifier at 50%, and it should take about 1 week to finish drying... if you Trim before it's totally dry... you'll loose smell, and if you trim and bag it before it fully dries... it may smell musky/damp... and get moldy on the inside... and if you don't add the fan circulating air around, you're also more likely to get mold...

hope this info helps...
Holy shit thats written in gold. Thankyou. The part about the 4-5 hundred ppm in hydro is the answer ive been looking for. Im sure that five days later when the flush is done that shrimp has no build up left. Wow, thanks. Happy new year.
Whatever you say man, lose the ego, you're not good enough to be cocky yet. Not based on your pic anyway. Yield is predominately strain dependent, and I don't choose strains based on yield. I choose potency and flavor. I can top and train to get yield. If I wanted strains with monster buds, I'd have them. I got 3 zips from that plant that "don't look as big" as yours. And that's a low yielding Lemon Larry. 200ppm isn't flushing genius if that's the nute level the plant wants. Pre harvest flushing is running plain water for a lengthy amount of time to get the imaginary toxins out. You should know that, you've been arguing like you're an expert on the subject. You obviously are confused and don't know a whole lot. Stop, learn how things work, get some grows under your belt, and maybe then you'll understand the information you're spewing.

Cool, they look good, not as big as mine lol but seriously back to the topic,1) N, P, K, Mg and S are considered mobile: they can move up and down the plant in both xylem and phloem. Thats from the text. So if they are mobile then you can get excess levels in check by makeing the plant use up whats in it, yes or no? And if your running 200 ppm for the last weeks then wouldnt that be considered somewhat of a flush?
Remember that it took me challengeing you to get the info that you bring it down that low before chop. Most people wouldnt challenge you since you are a respected member of the riu community and they would think what i thought when i started to see flushing is for turds by you experts and run 1200 till chop.
I do have alot of run on sentences and dont break anything into paragraphs. I wasnt the best student in school but i fixed this post for you except the run on sentences cause thats just how i talk when im drinking and typeing at the poker table with my budz lol
Whatever you say man, lose the ego, you're not good enough to be cocky yet. Not based on your pic anyway. Yield is predominately strain dependent, and I don't choose strains based on yield. I choose potency and flavor. I can top and train to get yield. If I wanted strains with monster buds, I'd have them. I got 3 zips from that plant that "don't look as big" as yours. And that's a low yielding Lemon Larry. 200ppm isn't flushing genius if that's the nute level the plant wants. Pre harvest flushing is running plain water for a lengthy amount of time to get the imaginary toxins out. You should know that, you've been arguing like you're an expert on the subject. You obviously are confused and don't know a whole lot. Stop, learn how things work, get some grows under your belt, and maybe then you'll understand the information you're spewing.
Your right, im on my first grow. Im not trying to be cocky, im trying to learn. I apologise if i came across as cocky, i was just kidding about the size of the plant. I dont consider what im doing argueing. I see it as more pushing people with strong opinions to clarify why they are right and others are wrong. Some people just do things because people tell them to, those people cant get any farther ahead than the person that they learned from. Thats why im on RIU and maybe one day I can pass along the valuable things you taught me today. Thanks and happy new year to ya.
Ok Im a total NOOB here. In the short time I have been growing (8 years outdoors and 2 runs indoors), with the exception of my first to years outdoors
i have always flushed, I was told "flush for 2 weeks prior to get rid of all the nuts". It made sense so never rethought it, until now. After spending time reading all the posts, going to all the links I have come to one conclusion. I have a run just starting, 10 ladies going into flower in about two weeks. I am going to flush 5, and not flush the other and come to my own conclusion. Thanks to all of you on both sides of this fence for making
me rethink this. BTW I am trying a journal on this run so feel free to drop in and leave comments. I will be flowering with IBeam Induction lights.
Ok Im a total NOOB here. In the short time I have been growing (8 years outdoors and 2 runs indoors), with the exception of my first to years outdoors
i have always flushed, I was told "flush for 2 weeks prior to get rid of all the nuts". It made sense so never rethought it, until now. After spending time reading all the posts, going to all the links I have come to one conclusion. I have a run just starting, 10 ladies going into flower in about two weeks. I am going to flush 5, and not flush the other and come to my own conclusion. Thanks to all of you on both sides of this fence for making
me rethink this. BTW I am trying a journal on this run so feel free to drop in and leave comments. I will be flowering with IBeam Induction lights.

try flushing one plant with only 3 days before choping it down , and hang the way I said... then compare it to the other 2 ways... then decide if it's worth it...
Dude your just hittin em outta the park today.

Tomato growers have the same issues... too much N Delays flowering, so alot of Tomato growers Have issues where their fruit won't ripen (stays green) reducing the N and Increasing the P and K forces tomatos to Ripen... works similar for Bud...

and Yes, I've tasted a Nasty High Nute Tomato... Which was too acidic and bitter... even though it was nice and red...
Too much N also increases flower/fruit sites while outgrowing root systems... makeing many more smaller buds/fruit... bud growers as well as tomato growers sugest thinning out the bottom to increase yield and quality.. that's because the root system can't support that many sites... so it disperses nutes with a high loss, the best example I could give is...

100 bud sites, 1 gram buds, with 50% loss =100grams

50 Bud sites, 3 gram buds. with 25% loss =150 grams

25 bud sites 8 gram buds. with 0% loss =200 grams

Obviousely these numbers are made up, but you'll get the idea... and these also are similar with tomatos and there is obviousely a point where it goes in the opposite direction... and lowers yield...
Because tomatoes don't feed that much, cannabis does. Your point is moot.

actually, yours is...

bud doesn't have to "feed that much" either... infact, you said that yourself... saying you lower your PPM's... the problem like I said, is Lower Yield, Lower Quality when you underfeed and add too much N causeing the Plant to create too many sites and outgrows the Roots...
I've experimented with this first hand so I feel my opinion is worthy of tapping out with one finger on this ipad.

Soil? Skip the last feeding. And give straight water. No need to pour gallens of water through them.
Hydro? My specialty, I wait until tricomes are cloudy, drain rez and feed straight RO water with a final flushing agent (snake oil maybe but my bud tastes delish) for 3-5 days. In hydro a flush is very important but not 2 weeks.

i agree a good good cure is most important but allowing the plant to stress out for a few days before chopping is good for resin production. This is all my opinion. Please dont troll me. My new years resolution is to be nice to everyone on RIU
The topic is flushing. Not your claim of high N stunting root growth and causing small inferior buds, none of which is true. I said I lower the ppms toward the end of flowering, because that's what the plant wants. No shit low ppms all through flowering will lower your yield. Why you brought that up is a mystery to me. A quick glance through your posts on riu turns up a lot of less than great advice. And nice thread you posted of your....ahem..."friend's" first soil grow. Nice try.

actually, yours is...

bud doesn't have to "feed that much" either... infact, you said that yourself... saying you lower your PPM's... the problem like I said, is Lower Yield, Lower Quality when you underfeed and add too much N causeing the Plant to create too many sites and outgrows the Roots...
The topic is flushing. Not your claim of high N stunting root growth and causing small inferior buds, none of which is true. I said I lower the ppms toward the end of flowering, because that's what the plant wants. No shit low ppms all through flowering will lower your yield. Why you brought that up is a mystery to me. A quick glance through your posts on riu turns up a lot of less than great advice. And nice thread you posted of your....ahem..."friend's" first soil grow. Nice try.


LOL... Your a moron... I didn't say Hign N stunts anything... I said High N causes the plant to OUTGROW the roots... , and I said High N causes Delayed Flowering, which is why you want less of it at the end...

I stated clearly why you want to flush, why you Don't want to flush excessively, and what lowering the nutes in a hydro the last week would do... you can continue twisting whatever you want... but I was very specific for my reasoning...

you can look through everything you want... and yes, my buddys grow sucked butt... he's still trying...

Maybe Next week after I get the crime scene photos back from my lawyer, I can show you what a 100+ light grow looks like that yields 1.15lbs per light with 12 plants under a light, 1 week veg and 11hr flower period and requires only minimal effort... but then... I'd be pretty silly to post those... so you'll never get to see them... at least not untill after I take my plea deal... LOL
Sure buddy, what ever you say. Lmao. Show me one instance of a plant outgrowing it's roots except for a rootbound plant in a pot. And no need to lie about your big grow and crime scene photos. That's why you had to ask if white or yellow sticky traps make a difference for gnats. Because you're a big time pro.
LOL... Your a moron... I didn't say Hign N stunts anything... I said High N causes the plant to OUTGROW the roots... , and I said High N causes Delayed Flowering, which is why you want less of it at the end...

I stated clearly why you want to flush, why you Don't want to flush excessively, and what lowering the nutes in a hydro the last week would do... you can continue twisting whatever you want... but I was very specific for my reasoning...

you can look through everything you want... and yes, my buddys grow sucked butt... he's still trying...

Maybe Next week after I get the crime scene photos back from my lawyer, I can show you what a 100+ light grow looks like that yields 1.15lbs per light with 12 plants under a light, 1 week veg and 11hr flower period and requires only minimal effort... but then... I'd be pretty silly to post those... so you'll never get to see them... at least not untill after I take my plea deal... LOL