Alexander Supertramp
Well-Known Member
Growing is the easy part. Post harvest is where the real magic happens.that's what makes or brake's a good harvest, and a great taste
Growing is the easy part. Post harvest is where the real magic happens.that's what makes or brake's a good harvest, and a great taste
Shit dries quick here, especially when my dryng area is around 100 degrees farenhite, but thats all I have. And besides both the weed picked straight off the plant and the shit flushed for a week were subject to the same drying time in the same conditions so its not entirely flawed. Just to clarify too, i dont rush my shit to the market, i normally dont part with it till it's cured at least a month in glass jars but this time everyone was screaing for it as everywhere was dry and i thoroughly informed everyone that it wasn't really ready but they wanted it anyway.It was exactly one week ago that you said you were going to conduct this 'experiment' which means you rushed both products to the market. Considering neither was dried properly or cured, I bet both samples were garbage, honestly.
Also, do you honestly think commercial growers (ie the growers of the bud that most people smoke) is ever cured? Its quick dried and sold wet half the time, left to dry out in the smaller tier dealers hands.
Just because your dealer sells you wet pounds and you are dumb enough to buy it doesnt mean that its the norm. Its misinformation machines like you that have clogged this site up with bullshit.You know what I mean surely? Not damp, not soaking wet but not dry either. I've been sold plenty of pounds like that normally... by lebbo's or wogs lol.
Hence why i started growing my own and keeping a set of ethics with me.
Just because your dealer sells you wet pounds and you are dumb enough to buy it doesnt mean that its the norm. Its misinformation machines like you that have clogged this site up with bullshit.
Its actually true, for most mexi brick weed anyway. Its sprayed with fungicide and then put into a form and pressed into bricks,all while still pretty moist. Thats why its malleable enough to be compressed like that. I saw some show on nat geo or discovery or something where they filmed the process.I am not sure where you got that info from. Wet weed packaged up would be a big bale of mold within days.
back in the day, i used to buy that crap in coffee cans, you never knew what you were gonna get until you opened it. sometimes you got fruity, sometimes,most times, you got ammonia(mold)Its actually true, for most mexi brick weed anyway. Its sprayed with fungicide and then put into a form and pressed into bricks,all while still pretty moist. Thats why its malleable enough to be compressed like that. I saw some show on nat geo or discovery or something where they filmed the process.
It seems you either dont have the intelligence to see what im getting at or you've never had ppl screaming at yr door after any weed they can their hands on. When you're moving 5 pounds a week and the only shit you can get is stuff a few days away from being ready and nothin else you are gonna take whatever you can get and keep yr customers and yr wallet happy.Just because your dealer sells you wet pounds and you are dumb enough to buy it doesnt mean that its the norm. Its misinformation machines like you that have clogged this site up with bullshit.
flushing IS a myth...sorry
Best because of flushingyou people obviously dont know shit about growing buds. how in the fuck do you think its not important to flush? buds need to be clean of chlorophyll and nutes to get the great smells and flavors. if you like sparkling buds,that on you. that why im know for the best here in colorado springs. my shit isvalways bomb.