I think flushing is a myth heres why

imo flushing is necessary and for a variety of reason. First off. When i flush for a week at the end of the cycle i see my buds swell up up more in that period then any other stage. What happened is the built up salts will be washed away during the flush, or they will be absorbed into the plant. With some nutrrients a longer flush is necessary to help clear up any unwanted salts in the plant. If your able to keep your plants healthy threw the whole harvest, then a 2 week flub should start to turn those leaves yellow an make an obvious sign it's ready for harvest without stressing them to pop out seeds..

And by the way. A flush for a week isn't gonna cause a bunch of seeds to poop out, it was something else most likely a week prior or maybe earlier. Seeds take time to develope. Don't just pop out over night. Lol

agrees 100% flush flush flush !!!
Are you guys seriously still arguing over flushing or not flushing, and to the guy that said they make flushing agents for a reason is right. They make them to make more money off new growers making them think they need a million things.
i havent read this entire thread but i saw some people twisting my words or misunderstanding my original point. yes i only flushed 3 days before harvest, which is not a "proper" flush in the minds of most of hte pro-flushing advocates. that was my point though, it wasn't a proper flush and i can't taste any "nasties" in my bud, it's smooth and hits wonderful, only problem as i said was the crackling from the immature seeds because a few of them hermied in the last 2 weeks of flowering (my fault). i didn't blame the flush on the hermies, nice reading comprehension lol

hit after hit of my "3 day flush" bud is smooth and burns nicely and evenly in joints, so take my experience however you want, i didn't flush 2 weeks before harvest and see no negative results. (btw i used fox farm soil and nutes)
Here's my opinion... Who gives a fuck! flush if you want, dont if you want. You will never convince the other side. Its pointless to try and prove anything because nobody will listen to you anyway.

Continue with the debate.
no matter how long u cure for if u dont flush i will still detect the harsh ass chemicals in the weed... dot get me wrong but a long cure on flushed weed taste way better then a long cure on unflushed weed. and furthure more all organic flushed and long cured weed taste the best and burns the cleanest.. there isnt any heavy metals left in the buds..
Are you guys seriously still arguing over flushing or not flushing, and to the guy that said they make flushing agents for a reason is right. They make them to make more money off new growers making them think they need a million things.

snake oils... tryna get stupid ass fresh grwers to spend more... snow storm ultra=bullshit.... purple maxx= purple colors enhanced in purple strains due to poisining the plant essentially
Lmao. Harsh chemicals....heavy metals.. bs You won't detect shit. If you do it's all in your head.

no matter how long u cure for if u dont flush i will still detect the harsh ass chemicals in the weed... dot get me wrong but a long cure on flushed weed taste way better then a long cure on unflushed weed. and furthure more all organic flushed and long cured weed taste the best and burns the cleanest.. there isnt any heavy metals left in the buds..
if your a vaporizer conisouier like I am....you can tell the difference between hydro grown and soil


Medical Hydroponics Marijuana Flushing Facts: Don't Be Fooled

Posted by Steve Davis | February 27 2012 | 13777 views | Comments ↓

Is this marijuana flushed properly, or is it loaded with garbage?
(Click to enlarge)

Correctly flushing medical marijuana increases quality, safety and value!

Just got back from a harvest party held by GrowDaddy and other pro cannabis growers who take great pride in their medical marijuana. It can be fun, except that when you’re with these professional, long-time marijuana growers and putting your nugs on the table, you better be ready for brutally honest critiques.

These guys have strict criteria for judging buds; two of their easiest for you to use are the ignition test and the white ash test…
Next time you’re burning a bowl of Kush or whatever your favorite bud of the day is, pay attention to how hard it is to ignite the bud and keep it lit.

Also look at whether the bud burns to a fluffy white ash, or something darker and denser. If your bud is properly dried/cured but hard to light, it’s full of fertilizer salts, natural compounds and/or chemical compounds.
In fact, your marijuana can absorb and store heavy metals, radioactive materials, fertilizer salts and other materials that aren't good for you to smoke.

Ask yourself, have I been using standard P-K hydroponics bloom booster supplements? We’re talking about boosters with more phosphorus (P) than potassium (K). Most bloom boosters are like that.

Problem is, high-P ratios are detrimental for bud growth and wrong for your medical marijuana enjoyment. The phosphorus, which can be radioactive, stores in your buds. Take a hit, hold it in, cough your lungs out. Gross!

When pollutants store in bud tissues, they make your buds hard to light. They make them harsh. They make them burn poorly. In your bowl is a dark ugly mass instead of white fluffy ash.

If you’re smoking joints, the ones rolled with polluted, poorly-flushed buds are the joints that keep going out.

Polluted buds affect your health and high. Your lungs and throat get raked. Not only that, because you can’t get the bud lit properly, you lose adequate combustion and full de-carboxlyation of THC and cannabinoids.

What the heck is de-carboxylation? It’s a chemical process that happens when you heat THC and other cannabinoids. A chemical process that’s absolutely necessary so those cannabinoids will be active in your brain and body.

So you lose toking pleasure and cannabinoids due to gummed-up buds that don’t light or burn to white ash.

Best Way to Do Hydroponics Marijuana Flushing

Thanks be to ganja gods that there’s an easy, effective way to purge your buds so they’re clean, easy to light, and smooth-burning. It’s called flushing.

Sad to say, but many marijuana growers have been fed bogus information about flushing, so let’s flush the inaccurate flushing information so you effectively clean your stash.

One thing to know is you can use flushing to help your crops long before harvest day. Some growers flush when they flip their crops from grow to bloom. Sometimes you absolutely have to flush if you have crop problems like overfertilization, screwed-up root zone pH, bad hydroponics nutrients.

For sure, you flush 4-10 days before you want to cut your crop down. Obviously this involves precise flush-harvest timing, which you can read about here.

The other fact to get clear is that flushing only works if you do it with a hydroponics flushing formula that has the right stuff in it. GrowDaddy and his network of other veteran professional growers have tested all the hydroponics flushing methods and products, using the white-ash test, the ignition test, and observation of how different flush products and methods affected plant health and bud growth.

For example, they tested the practice of flushing by stopping nutrients and using only water for a week before harvest.

This method doesn't work and makes no sense, GrowDaddy said, especially if you’re growing in soil and have already been using water without nutrients..

Some people recommend bizarre flushing materials, including vinegar, pH Down, Epsom salts and other stuff that will mess up your crops when you use them as flushers, but will not remove contaminants from plant tissue or root zone.

Some people mistakenly believe that if you grow "all-organic," you don't need to flush. News flash: flush regardless of whether you’re growing in supersoil, all-organics, or hydroponics.

Flushing with water alone won’t do it. GrowDaddy and his crew have tested Flora Kleen, Clearex, Canna Flush, and Final Phase. These are the top-selling hydroponics flushers on the market.
They called the manufacturers of each product (General Hydroponics, Botanicare, Canna, Advanced Nutrients).
"I said the same thing to all of them, that I was growing medical marijuana and wanted to know why I should use their flushing formula instead of another. Three of them hung up on me as soon as I mentioned the word marijuana," GrowDaddy said. "The Advanced Nutrients guy didn't hang up. He had a lot of knowledge and took half an hour explaining how and why their hydroponics flush formula, Final Phase, provides flushing materials engineered for your crops."

What Final Phase has that other flush formulas don’t have is a combination of materials that purge salts and other nasty stuff out of your plants and root zone while giving your marijuana plants enough nutrition so your buds keep on adding weight and THC.

These ingredients include chemical “claws” called chelates that remove compounds from soil and plants. It also contains materials that ensure buds continue to add THC and other cannabinoids while they're being flushed.

The program with Final Phase is for you to wait until 4-10 days before you want to cut, then follow this process: put fresh reverse osmosis water in your res, add Final Phase, run your pump continuously for six hours, then run only fresh reverse osmosis water until the day you cut.

GrowDaddy says whether he's growing in supersoil or sterile media like rockwool, his flushing method is to wait seven days before he wants to cut, run only reverse osmosis water without nutrients for a day, then run a day of regular irrigation using Final Phase, then run distilled water until harvest day.

In blind comparison tests at several harvest parties, buds flushed with Final Phase burned better, tasted better, and passed the white ash test better than buds flushed only with water or other hydroponics flushers.

As you can see, proper flushing is essential to your medical marijuana’s quality and safety. I am glad you now you have the flushing formula and procedures that’ll make your buds light easy, taste and smell great.

Proper flushing, along with the right drying and curing procedures, produces the cleanest, most enjoyable buds. Their smoke goes gentle down your throat and into your lungs. The buds light easily and stay lit. When fully burned, all that's left behind is fluffy white ash.

Ahhh, medical marijuana perfection...how sweet it is
chuck i gave up on this last night, if people think thats how plant botany and biology works then i dont really feel the need or want to even converse with these people on a civilized level, if you think 'heavy metals' can get into your weed, go fucking read a BOTANY BOOK, peace
You ever have a person who grows in hydro sell you like 3-4 different strains and all the strains have the same smell and taste??? chemically smelly/tasting.

alot of inexperienced people growin in hydro have that problem.....See that issue alot in our store

Personally I grow in sunshine (soilless medium) only use fert at 1/3 of the strength the directions call for and I never flush...my shit smells tastes great
if your a vaporizer conisouier like I am....you can tell the difference between hydro grown and soil


ive been following this thread for a while. Im learning great stuff all over but theres still a stalemate. I called two of my local hydroponic stores today for advice and got the same answer from both. When useing hydroponics and synthetic chemical ferts then you should flush. Niether of them tried to sell me any flushing agents but told me they were availible. One said that water travels through a plant at one foot an hour about and that an eight foot plant can drink over three gallons a day. Dont quote me on it because its passed along and i was blazed but i think thats what he said lol. As for the idea in your posted article of giving your plant a flushing agent containing a supply of nutes as well....brilliant. From what i gather from this is like my good friend at the hydro store told me, your pulling out unwanted things, but at the same time, gently easing your plant to its grave while buds swell. The best of both worlds dont you think? Happy unstressed plants and peice of mind knowing that your yield wont suffer. I didnt know much to begin with and although GWN and racer boy made some great comments I am off to buy some snake oil to flush my plants with. I havent seen any tangible evidence besides this attached quote with actual studies done and tested. TESTED. Ive been waiting for this for 18 frickin pages of debate. I was sold on the snake oil when i read the part about SAFER smoke. Fu;k money, i want to smoke the best safest thing out there. If safety is not your first concern when growing medicine then you should be working for a pharmaceutical company and not pedaling to patients. Im not sayin that anyone not flushing is intentionally trying to hurt anyone, what im saying is that if I can make my medicine safer i will do it. The last thing i want is for someone with a headache smoking a j to feel better and ending up with cancer from somthing that was left here by aliens to cure what ails ya. (Just kidding about the aliens). Today is a great day, the only thing that could make it better is if i get laid later....could happen.....
that's possible i'm willing to concede that, since i don't claim to be an aficionado i have to say maybe i just can't detect the difference. i am trying real hard though, seeing if i can "taste" the nutes that were not properly flushed out. from a pipe and a spliff i can't tell, the smoke is pretty smooth to me and leaves no harsh feeling in my throat. maybe if i tried a vaporizer or a bong i could find the smoke less pleasant?

if dried slow enough the plant will use up the nutes in it's post harvest twilight.
I'm 50 years old....that said...trust me. if you are using a high amount of nutes and dry too fast....you will hate smoking it.
You ever have a person who grows in hydro sell you like 3-4 different strains and all the strains have the same smell and taste??? chemically smelly/tasting.

alot of inexperienced people growin in hydro have that problem.....See that issue alot in our store

Personally I grow in sunshine (soilless medium) only use fert at 1/3 of the strength the directions call for and I never flush...my shit smells tastes great
I had that problem when I used bud candy.
You ever have a person who grows in hydro sell you like 3-4 different strains and all the strains have the same smell and taste??? chemically smelly/tasting.

alot of inexperienced people growin in hydro have that problem.....See that issue alot in our store

Personally I grow in sunshine (soilless medium) only use fert at 1/3 of the strength the directions call for and I never flush...my shit smells tastes great

i have a friend colo, imagine that, lol, anyhoo's, she's always telling me.. i just picked up a bag, but it's hydro, it's ok, but it's hydro.. idk if i haven't smoked that much hydro bud to be able to tell the difference, but she surely can spot it a mile away.. every damn time.. this is hydro..

now soil grown flushed vs non flushed, i honestly don't think there is one bit of difference either way..