I think flushing is a myth heres why

Hey man, thanks that is some insight. Forget about the pictures, im sure your busy. I wont completly starve my plants, i like them to much to do that. I also wanted to use dyna grows line but i cant get the small quantities i want. The reason i will flush has everything to do with the fact that my basil...ya i said basil, tastes like a pulp mill smells and i dont think that bud grown in the same micro climate has anything to lose from a flush. Ill start my basil flush tommorow and hope for the best. If it doesnt make any difference ill have learned a valuable lesson, if it does ill probably flush untill the day i die, talk shit on riu and expirience means everything.

What do you think of the claims that if you add flushing solution and wait that your ppm will rise after the extra junk comes out. You know what, sorry, your in the dirt, waters different and may be the reason why we differ in opinions. Your last post really was an eye opener though. Thanxs and happy holidays.
a very very long time ago, we discovered this crazy ass thing called botany, i feel more should pursue good botanical information, best of luck to everyone and meery xmas:peace:
I also feel flushing is BS. All the additives to clean out the plant before harvest are just ways to make people part with their money. All I do is the last 2 weeks of flower slowly reduce the nutes to nothing and the last few waterings are straight RO water. I dry my plants untrimmed slowly until I get a certain dryness in the stems then I trim and jar cure.
Here's something I thought of.

Water curing.

Take a plant that has been flushed for however long.

Chop it.

Water cure it.

Measure the ppms of the "dirty" water each time you replace the water.

Take a plant that has not been flushed.

Chop it.

Water cure it.

Measure the ppms of the "dirty" water each time you replace the water.

Have everything the same except for one plant "flushed" and the other "not flushed" and compare the results/differences.

I'll have to try it that way myself...

It's an actual measurable way to see if there really is a difference.
fairly simple solution to this age old question...

try it.... 2 plants .. flush one .. don't flush one..

dry it, cure it, smoke it, make your own mind up...

job done.
I'd really like to see that - can you provide a pic please. :cool:

shit man i just could not get a picture of my wrist next to that thing while laying on the ground and holding my beast of a EOS rebel camera with a tequila, scotch, and O.E. headache, i had to do the lighter trick lol keep in mind its my first kick at the cola container so dont be to hard on the ladies, theyll get better looking the more i work at this. Theres only two there, the one in the front is shishkaberry and the one in the back is trainwreck. Shish is a monster, super fast growing, quick to bloom, gangly beast. We lost her mother due to unfortunate circumstances. the back ones train and shes a slow mover but nice and solid, ive been told that she takes forever to get there but shes worth the wait cause when she shows up shes a porn star.
.IMG_7796.jpgIMG_7793.jpgIMG_7786.jpg Oh ya, theyre both at 21 days of flower, let me know if theyre ok for a first timer.:bigjoint:
only if you can tell a difference..
also 1 plant is worth while for knowing the answer for the rest of your life isn't it?
After all this debate, im doing this expirement for myself in the near future, i have come to the conclusion that there isnt one answer to this topic because everyone employs different growing methods and fertilzing methods. If i grew my plants in a compost pile with manure and never added any synthetic nutes id probably skip it. If i was doing DWC with 0% organics, id lean tward flushing to prevent burning road flares
Hey man, thanks that is some insight. Forget about the pictures, im sure your busy. I wont completly starve my plants, i like them to much to do that. I also wanted to use dyna grows line but i cant get the small quantities i want. The reason i will flush has everything to do with the fact that my basil...ya i said basil, tastes like a pulp mill smells and i dont think that bud grown in the same micro climate has anything to lose from a flush. Ill start my basil flush tommorow and hope for the best. If it doesnt make any difference ill have learned a valuable lesson, if it does ill probably flush untill the day i die, talk shit on riu and expirience means everything.

What do you think of the claims that if you add flushing solution and wait that your ppm will rise after the extra junk comes out. You know what, sorry, your in the dirt, waters different and may be the reason why we differ in opinions. Your last post really was an eye opener though. Thanxs and happy holidays.

Don't buy into those flushing solutions. That's just one of those gimmicks that they try selling to new growers making you think you need this and that to make your plant be the bomb. Well I'll let you in on a little secret but don't tell no one as it's an ancient growers trade. Give them food,water,C02, and light and that's all you need to grow a good plant :D Trust me I've been doing this for many years this way and have had great results.

Don't buy into all this extra shit like high PK boosters and flushing agents and snake oil any of that bs. It's all a gimmick to get more money from you.
yes dont buy into flushing because im sure there's an oncologist waiting for you. I cant believe there this many folks ignorant to simple, basic science, yes your plant takes up EVERYTHING you give to it. Go tell an organic cannabis farmer your nutrient laden ejectamenta holds even a flicker of light to there's........................they'll laugh and i will too. Takes all kinds gramps used to say.
yes dont buy into flushing because im sure there's an oncologist waiting for you. I cant believe there this many folks ignorant to simple, basic science, yes your plant takes up EVERYTHING you give to it. Go tell an organic cannabis farmer your nutrient laden ejectamenta holds even a flicker of light to there's........................they'll laugh and i will too. Takes all kinds gramps used to say.

Pretty sure I am an organic cannabis farmer so please tell me why my ash is always light grey/white and burns right every time and I never flush. Please explain this one to me. And also please explain to me why I am a survivor of cancer patient and yet I have been in remission for almost 6 years now but yet I've been smoking the same shit grown the same way over and over. So I guess I better get checked up since I have all this cancer built up in my system.

So I guess an organic cannabis farmer isn't laughing is he? Hmm before you go spewing bs do a little bit of research. Go ahead starve your plants I really don't care either way. Pretty sure my degree it botany says different than your gramps. Oh and my organic farmers(who are also my family) who live in CO who have been growing for well over 40 years would laugh at your trying to tell them to flush a plant. Have fun with your nutrient deficient plant. So I guess that my family who has been growing for over 40+ years must be wrong and that's why his shit flies off the shelf at the dispensary. Hmm you all just make me laugh.

I'm done arguing over this bullshit. If you want to flush then flush your fucking plant but when you start getting lock outs and deficiencies don't come crying here asking what's wrong with my girls :D

Best wishes and happy growing to all of you guys :D
your confused......im talking about people using liquid nutrients to increase yields, for fucks sake if the shoe fits wear it if not move on. Seems to me you wanna argue over the same position wtf is that rage shit? i did nothing but express my opinion for nutrients these are OPINIONS, you take shit too far it aint personal! whoa.
your confused......im talking about people using liquid nutrients to increase yields, for fucks sake if the shoe fits wear it if not move on. Seems to me you wanna argue over the same position wtf is that rage shit? i did nothing but express my opinion for nutrients these are OPINIONS, you take shit too far it aint personal! whoa.

I understood some of your original imput. Not all of it how you ment it. I do agree with plants eating eveything. They plant all types of plants on contaminated soil to pull toxic metals out of it...yyyyyyyyummy!...ace ventura...
Pretty sure I am an organic cannabis farmer so please tell me why my ash is always light grey/white and burns right every time and I never flush. Please explain this one to me. And also please explain to me why I am a survivor of cancer patient and yet I have been in remission for almost 6 years now but yet I've been smoking the same shit grown the same way over and over. So I guess I better get checked up since I have all this cancer built up in my system.

So I guess an organic cannabis farmer isn't laughing is he? Hmm before you go spewing bs do a little bit of research. Go ahead starve your plants I really don't care either way. Pretty sure my degree it botany says different than your gramps. Oh and my organic farmers(who are also my family) who live in CO who have been growing for well over 40 years would laugh at your trying to tell them to flush a plant. Have fun with your nutrient deficient plant. So I guess that my family who has been growing for over 40+ years must be wrong and that's why his shit flies off the shelf at the dispensary. Hmm you all just make me laugh.

I'm done arguing over this bullshit. If you want to flush then flush your fucking plant but when you start getting lock outs and deficiencies don't come crying here asking what's wrong with my girls :D

Best wishes and happy growing to all of you guys :D

"The exception to the rule is growing on organics. With a mineral nutrient the plants are fed directly, using elements that can be immediately taken up by the plant. With an organic feed, you are feeding the microbes within the soil. These microbes then produce elements that the plant takes up. The plant is not fed directly. As a result, there is no excess of minerals stored in the plant and you can feed until the day you chop." - I pulled that out of what i posted on page 20? Organic, but i thought you use dyna grow? Thats not organic is it?

your confused......im talking about people using liquid nutrients to increase yields, for fucks sake if the shoe fits wear it if not move on. Seems to me you wanna argue over the same position wtf is that rage shit? i did nothing but express my opinion for nutrients these are OPINIONS, you take shit too far it aint personal! whoa.

Never intended for it to be rageful I am just so tired of everyone fighting over this. The fact that MJ isn't legal on a federal level means that there is no research done on any of these matters. If you want to flush then flush if you don't want to then don't. I realize that everyone is going to do things different then me or anyone as matter of fact. It's just that this thread never seems to be ending and when there is clear evidence being posted people just don't want to take the time to read it. I learned the hard way. When I started all this there weren't threads or everyone so open about growing I had to do a shit ton of reading to figure it out and it just bugs me that other people don't want to do the same.

Now I'm talking about growing in soil, if your hydro then yes a flush is by all means recommended. Hydro is a whole different ball game because there your plants root system is just sitting in nothing but nute solution so yes flush away in hydro but when it comes to soil you have that nice buffer and all you are doing is starving your plant.
"The exception to the rule is growing on organics. With a mineral nutrient the plants are fed directly, using elements that can be immediately taken up by the plant. With an organic feed, you are feeding the microbes within the soil. These microbes then produce elements that the plant takes up. The plant is not fed directly. As a result, there is no excess of minerals stored in the plant and you can feed until the day you chop." - I pulled that out of what i posted on page 20? Organic, but i thought you use dyna grow? Thats not organic is it?

I have 2 different nutes that I use. Yes I use dyna gro for my own personal grow but the stuff I push off to my patients who want the organics I use this.

As with everything in life there's a balance. People tend to feed beyond what their plants require pushing limits. Instead of just giving them what they require.

After all this debate, im doing this expirement for myself in the near future, i have come to the conclusion that there isnt one answer to this topic because everyone employs different growing methods and fertilzing methods. If i grew my plants in a compost pile with manure and never added any synthetic nutes id probably skip it. If i was doing DWC with 0% organics, id lean tward flushing to prevent burning road flares
As with everything in life there's a balance. People tend to feed beyond what their plants require pushing limits. Instead of just giving them what they require.

Exactly!!! That's the only way to grow is by just watching your girls, they will tell you what they want.

Just watch your girls and feed accordingly.