I Think I Found A Good Stoner Job


Well-Known Member
I want everyone to watch! I don't know where this will take me.....I am ALWAYS thinking of new ways to make $$$$...This has been one of MANY. This one though, I have been able to make happen. I am in for the ride! :peace:


Well-Known Member
me too, i dont have alot for making investments like that.
im thinking more like something to sell online, i can do websites and set up the store ... thats no prob ... its just the ideas for simple things that people would want
i've got a few ....
also me and my fiance will be able to run our own web design company from home once we feel a little more secure with clients ..... i cant wait for that !


Well-Known Member
me too, i dont have alot for making investments like that.
im thinking more like something to sell online, i can do websites and set up the store ... thats no prob ... its just the ideas for simple things that people would want
i've got a few ....
also me and my fiance will be able to run our own web design company from home once we feel a little more secure with clients ..... i cant wait for that !
That is a good idea Weedman. I also came up with doing medical record storage for doctors. I KNOW that has potential! But, I need a network admin. to run it, and that I don't have. There are so many endless possibilities! I am 41, I have a BA in Dental Hygiene. I learned very quickly that I don't like being stuck in one office for 9 hrs a day and that is what started me into looking at other prospects. I have owned lunch wagons, a restaurant, a locksmith company....I do my best not to work under anyone! I do medical transcription online, I have looked into nursing school, a bird sanctuary...I have looked at it all! I am not claiming to know the way, but, I do know you have to try to succeed! I say go for your dreams! You never know what the future holds!:peace:

Grandma's boy

Active Member
It sounds like you are well educated and are good at doing research.

Have you look into Internet marketing? http://warriorforum.com

I have a ghostwriting business. Lets me stay home and work for customers.

I can make my own schedule, up to a point.:peace:

That is a good idea Weedman. I also came up with doing medical record storage for doctors. I KNOW that has potential! But, I need a network admin. to run it, and that I don't have. There are so many endless possibilities! I am 41, I have a BA in Dental Hygiene. I learned very quickly that I don't like being stuck in one office for 9 hrs a day and that is what started me into looking at other prospects. I have owned lunch wagons, a restaurant, a locksmith company....I do my best not to work under anyone! I do medical transcription online, I have looked into nursing school, a bird sanctuary...I have looked at it all! I am not claiming to know the way, but, I do know you have to try to succeed! I say go for your dreams! You never know what the future holds!:peace: