I think I got it down...


Well-Known Member
I believe I got the basics down. I like to think things through before I do them. So here is my basic understanding in words. I will type all questions in bold after a paragraph. Thanks in advanced for your responses.

Place seeds in paper towel and spray with water and place another paper towel over the seeds and spray with water. Place the soaked paper towel in a bag and leave for 2-3 days.

In the meantime get some small growing trays prepped for the seedlings. Once the roots appear in the seeds place them in the growing trays and keep them under a 24hour continuous exposure to fluorescent light for approx. 2 weeks.

After the plants start to develop in the small growing trays place them under the HPS bulb that is set to 18/6. Water when needed based on soil texture/feel. Also change pots based on root size. Throughout veggie state mist the leaves of the plant. In the veggie state begin to give nutrients, more so of nitrogen. Check pH often of the plants soil and water intake. During veggie clip any dead or yellow leaves.
-When exactly do I start giving them nutrients? My soil will be a 1/3 peat moss, 1/3 vermiculite, and 1/3 worm castings.
-Should I give them slightly less nutrients because of the worm castings?

Begin to prepare a separate room for flowering which will be a HPS bulb for 12/12. Make clones of each plant in the veggie room and let them develop. Once developed take them and place them in flowering room to determine whether or not they are male or female. Remove all males from the flowering/veggie room at once. Make clones of remaining plants and revert to the fluorescent lights until they are ready for the HPS light.

Once the clones have developed in the veggie room place them in the flowering room and make a complete cycle. From mother plant>clone>flowering.
Once in flowering room, when do I stop watering and giving nutrients?

Forgot to mention in order to deliver CO2 to my plants I plan on spraying with Bubbly Water, idea thanks to Mr. Green.

Over all how does my process sound for growing?


Well-Known Member
there's a few minor things in there I would recommend to change. For example, don't put the wet paper towels containing the seeds in a paper bag- the paper bag will end up absorbing much of the moisture you need for the seeds. Instead put the paper towels on a regular dinner plat and cover them with a cereal bowl upside down. Also, plan on checking on them regularly... like 2-3 time/day opposed to letting them sit there for 2-3 days. You can do yourself a big favor by waiting until the tap root from your now germinated seeds is at least 1/2" before planting into your medium.

On your questions in bold:
(1+2) do not feed any nutrients until your plants are developing the 3rd to 4th nodes. And then only feed a 1/4 of the recommended doses until your plants are around the 6th-7th node. it is significantly harder to under-feed than to over-feed.

(2) once flowering stop giving any nutes when the trichs are in the neighborhood of 50% amber color, 50% milky... do not mistake the pistols for trichs! There are some great threads on this site with picutres of what to look for. Once you stop the nutes you will need to flush the plants thoroughly unless you enjoy the taste of chemicals instead of the sticky-icky-icky.

I hope this info helps you out and good luck!


Active Member
-When exactly do I start giving them nutrients? My soil will be a 1/3 peat moss, 1/3 vermiculite, and 1/3 worm castings.
You can start giving nutrients once they are 2-3 weeks old.

-Should I give th
em slightly less nutrients because of the worm castings?
You should always start out with using 1/4 the recommended amount to give them time to adjust and so you can see how they react.

Once in flowering room, when do I stop watering and giving nutrients?
I think you stop giving nutrients a week before you are going to harvest and just water.
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