i think i got spider mite!! help


Active Member
hi i have got 6 powerplant cuttings and i strongly suspect they have spider mite, they have black dots on the underneath of leaves , discoloured spots to the top of the leaves, and some of them even have webs growing on them, is it treatable or is it the end for the ladies:roll:


Active Member
well webs are a sign of spider mites but if you are not in flower yet i think neem oil will help but im from the uk so we use other stuff called Nite Nite Spider Mite


grab a magnifying glass and look underneath the leaves... if you have them you should see them.... sometimes when we get up and personal with our ladies... the hair on our heads can be very attracted to our girls and a few strands can give the appearance of a web.. or it could be an ordinary spider... when I had the borg.. could see the feckers as plain as day and the eggs... one blast of harkers harka mectin and they was dust..a good loupe would be better than a magnyfying glass but should be able to see em with a decent magnifying glass... dont let these feckers get a hold...easily sorted with ivermectin which is cheap as chips.


Nitro mucker... just saw your post and your in the uk toooooooooooooooo... pigeon mite stuff called harkers harka mectin about 8 quid for a wee bottle.. will last ages... just ad HALF a mil to a litre of water and those feckers are gone... most pet shops sell it... well handy piece of essential equipment...

Toolage 87

Well-Known Member
If you see that they have bugs give them a dunk in a sink full of water and try to wash the plant off with that water as much as you can. Drain the water clean the sink and hit them with the water method again. They let dry and if you want use the neem oil do so. Also clean the grow space because if you keep the area and your house clean you will make them starve if they leave the plants and it will help them to stay in 1 spot. If you are good with cloning I say take cuttings wash the cuttings in water and leave them in there for abit then put them in soil or aero cloner. As for the rest of the plants toss them or take them for clones.


Active Member
Nitro mucker... just saw your post and your in the uk toooooooooooooooo... pigeon mite stuff called harkers harka mectin about 8 quid for a wee bottle.. will last ages... just ad HALF a mil to a litre of water and those feckers are gone... most pet shops sell it... well handy piece of essential equipment...
im just on the way to get pet food now haha thanks ill ask about it kudos


you got that bang on shrig :)... dont know why peeps go all doodally and buy the all shite in the grow shops.... this stuff is as cheap as chips and will last ages... I only needed one application... sorted the lot out.. havent seen one since... have seen fungus gnats though en masse... feck da airpots!!!! roflmao.