i think i have a defficiency of magnesium/and possible nute brun help please


some of my leaves tips are curling up witch exhibit signs of magnesium deficiency "praying for magnesium" i also have a recent outbreak of spider mites some leafs got hit hard could that be the cause of the yellowing and dying tips or is it a over fert im using small doses of organic botanicare nutrients 2 400 watt mh bulbs all proper ventilation and circulation temps at 75-80 humidity is at 65%, and my p.h is at 6.6 somebody please help i can provide more info if needed im in about 3rd week of vegg.


Weed Anubis

Well-Known Member
Add Epsom salt 1 tablespoon/gallon for magnesium deficiency. also watch Ca (Calcium) and P (Phosphorus) does too so might want to cut back on that as well, not so much Ca u need that. so cut back ( not by much) nutes with high P. i don't know about spider mites


Add Epsom salt 1 tablespoon/gallon for magnesium deficiency. also watch Ca (Calcium) and P (Phosphorus) does too so might want to cut back on that as well, not so much Ca u need that. so cut back ( not by much) nutes with high P. i don't know about spider mites
Thanks bro i got call mag should i still use epson salts?