I Think I Have a Problem: How Well Should I Pack My Soi?l


Hey everyone im new to the forum and this is my first post. Im growing for the first time and im growing indoors. Now i think I've run into a little problem. i think i might of packed my soil to tight, I'm about 2-3weeks into growing and I've noticed that a few of my plants seemed to slow down growing, what should i do about the tight soil, should i transplant? Plz let me kno.
Picture will come soon


Well-Known Member
Grab a pencil and jab it into the pot loosing the soil all around the plant. You could grab the plant tipping the pot over and re poting Or give us some more info and maybe its a feed her kind of thing.


i used miracle grow potting mix and i have 18oz red cup, and no i didnt add perlite, how will i kno if i pack the soil to tight?


New Member
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Well-Known Member
Ok I feel stupid. Dude its a cup a cup of fucking dirt!!! In a plastic cup for rice sakes. Here I thought you had a 5 gal container filled with dirt and had packed it tight and all you have is a red plastic cup. COMMON SENSE!!!


Well-Known Member


Well-Known Member
damn help the dude.
first of all. you shouldnt be using miracle grow, anything. in my opinion. secondly. if you packed the soil, dont! just keep watering them when the cup is light. and you should be fine.


My bad guys about posted this twice, when i posted it the first time i didnt think it worked, thats why i didnt write anything else on here, i didnt wanna get into trouble