I Think I Just Realized Something Amazing...

Is this actually a good thought?

  • Yeah, that's actually slightly eye-opening

    Votes: 5 50.0%
  • maybe, nothing special

    Votes: 2 20.0%
  • Probably absolutely nothing

    Votes: 1 10.0%
  • you're way too stoned, man

    Votes: 2 20.0%

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Active Member
Ok, so almost everyone knows that mushrooms and weed are spoken about in the Bible and history often as manna and hemp respectively, hemp often meaning cannabis back then, but was still called hemp. I was just sitting and thinking about that when it hit me; DMT is what causes our dreams, I've herd conflicting claims on that, but for the most part people agree that your dreams are caused by a very high doses directed right from your pineal gland. These doses are higher than most recreational users will go. It's like 200-225mg. I haven't heard of someone able to stay conscious long enough to smoke that much, but I'm sure it's happened to someone before, haha. Anyways, back to the main topic: if DMT causes your dreams, and dreams were revered for their future-predicting (and often holy) attributes, then doesn't that basically mean that DMT has been a powerful driving point for religion and a huge impact on early civilization and their development as they essentially read into their powerful psychedelic-induced dreams? It like, amazed me at first to think of this, and I feel that it's possible that I thought of it on my own, or from the afterglow of my first Hawaiian Baby Woodrose experience yesterday, which wasn't as intense as expected, more like a weed stone coupled with very slight visuals.

Even though I'm agnostic this still makes me think, because it's like, Joseph read into his own dreams and people's dreams and is famous for it, and the dreams often turned out to be true? I don't really believe in the Bible, I can't tell what I believe in, if anything, but this thought really piqued my interest.


Active Member
So yeah, looking back I can't fathom why I put this in the Hallucinogenic Substances category...


New Member
Religion made from dreams and psychedelic experiences?


This is probably how most religions originated.
I always thought religious text was fucking coo coo.


Well-Known Member
We don't know much about the role of endogenous DMT. We know that DMT has played a significant role in the development of religion. The whole burning bush story sounds a lot like a bunch of DMT experiences. Not to me tion there's a DMT containing plant in most parts of the world. The only culture that developed without some sort of drug is the Inuits, and they can use cold to attain altered states. Humanity wouldn't have evolved the way we did without drugs. We couldn't build permanent settlements until we could make alcohol. Cannabis is one of the first plants we domesticated. People didn't just figure out if you eat this mushroom you trip but boil this root and this vine and whoa dude. I firmly believe that altering consciousness is one of the biological drives.


Well-Known Member
I personally dont think DMT plays the role in dreams that people think. I tried it because my friend was like 'duuuddee this is the shit that makes you dreeammmm mannn'
No. I read the spirit molecule and I guess a lot of the experiences are related to dreaming a little, but I mean.. I dunno there is no hard evidence.. Im not refuting you though on that one, if there is one chemical we have discovered that has the power its probably dmt.

Basically though it plays a huge role in everything. Its in like every plant(in small traces)


Well-Known Member
I also have never found any similarity in dreamstates, and I consider myself a connisseur of those.


Active Member
For everyone who responded: Thanks for actually taking the time. MrEDuck, a lot of what you said made a lot of sense and isn't shocking. People seem to have the urge to change things about their lives all the time, and by the time you've tried weed you know what it's like to change your consciousness, if only slightly, and almost everyone who tries it chooses willingly to continue doing so... I figured that DMT probably had something to do with the development of Religion because there are supposed to be so many similarities between a DMT trip and a genuine religious encounter... And there's got to be a reason that DMT is released in high rates at birth and death... Supposedly you're megadosing on DMT a lot as a kid and can't fully differentiate between reality and fiction until age 8? I can't remember where I read that, so I'll have to re-find the source...


Ursus marijanus
For everyone who responded: Thanks for actually taking the time. MrEDuck, a lot of what you said made a lot of sense and isn't shocking. People seem to have the urge to change things about their lives all the time, and by the time you've tried weed you know what it's like to change your consciousness, if only slightly, and almost everyone who tries it chooses willingly to continue doing so... I figured that DMT probably had something to do with the development of Religion because there are supposed to be so many similarities between a DMT trip and a genuine religious encounter... And there's got to be a reason that DMT is released in high rates at birth and death... Supposedly you're megadosing on DMT a lot as a kid and can't fully differentiate between reality and fiction until age 8? I can't remember where I read that, so I'll have to re-find the source...
I consider this an urban legend. cn


You should look up grahm hancock and David wilcock both are very interesting and can maybe answer and evolve some of your opinions in theses subjects there's answers from our past and we are slowly starting to become more aware of our past and David wilcock has explained what the pineal gland is and how it work you can youtube either and atleast grasp what they are trying to teach


Well-Known Member
Large amounts of opiates/opioids produce more of a lucid dream state (which for some can include incredibly powerful CEV's and hallucinations) than DMT does imo...


Well-Known Member
For everyone who responded: Thanks for actually taking the time. MrEDuck, a lot of what you said made a lot of sense and isn't shocking. People seem to have the urge to change things about their lives all the time, and by the time you've tried weed you know what it's like to change your consciousness, if only slightly, and almost everyone who tries it chooses willingly to continue doing so... I figured that DMT probably had something to do with the development of Religion because there are supposed to be so many similarities between a DMT trip and a genuine religious encounter... And there's got to be a reason that DMT is released in high rates at birth and death... Supposedly you're megadosing on DMT a lot as a kid and can't fully differentiate between reality and fiction until age 8? I can't remember where I read that, so I'll have to re-find the source...
To be honest most of your "facts" stem from theories made by Dr. Strassman that get misconstrued by eager psychonauts who always try to put a "bigger picture" purpose behind their trip. "a generation of permanent cripples, failed seekers, who never understood the essential old mystic fallacy of the Acid Culture: the desperate assumption that somebody—or at least some force—is tending the Light at the end of the tunnel. " - Hunter S. Thompson