I think i may have a nute related problem


Well-Known Member
Hey ppl, one of my plants is getting yellow leaf tips, n sometimes middle of the leaf yellowing. Here's some pictures, I would really appreciate any suggestions.

I have been using a 1-1-1 nutrient, that seems to be working really good. I just transplanted them about a week ago, on same kind of soil i had before (i had kind of the same problems earlier when they were very young with this soil, but they were getting brown tips, not that yellow).



Well-Known Member
First 2 pics are the problem the plant in the picture next to them has. The necrotic tip only happened on that specific leaf, the yellowing is a bit more general but not too much yet. The next pics are from the other one only has yellowing tips, but all around the new leaves.



Well-Known Member
yo cinic, that powder is from my nutes, i dissolve it in water, n sometimes can get to the leaves when water dries, y try not to get it on the leaves but it happens sometimes though


Well-Known Member
The plant looks healthy in color, but about the burned tip, it may be slightly excess nutrients? maybe PH?


Well-Known Member
ive only found really expensive ph meters (im far away from all of ya lol
), but ill keep on looking, any cheap suggestions?


Well-Known Member
2 gal pots, nutes fixed the yellowing tip problem before, but thats only going on with one of em, u really think i should stop nuting for a while?


Well-Known Member
2 gal pots, nutes fixed the yellowing tip problem before, but thats only going on with one of em, u really think i should stop nuting for a while?
When ya transplanted them the soil they went into has plenty of nutes for the plant for a while.


Well-Known Member
Hey Dirty, when i first planted them they had the same problem, when they were very small in that same soil. I dont know if that says anything to ya, ill check ph tommorrow cuz its holiday here.


Well-Known Member
im using a soil mix i found here, im not in the states btw, supposed to be the best stuff for planting, and know very experienced growers that use it, but its behaving wierd for me. Nutes have worked amazing for my plants, i had to really nute them when they were small so i guess i should need more now that they r bigger, lemme know what u think.


Well-Known Member
Usually yellow tips are a classic sign of nute burn. People tend to make it worse by trying to fix it with, guess what, more nutes. A good rule to go by, is not to give em nutes til they're at leat two weeks old. Personally, I waited a month, then gave em 1 dose of 1/2 strength organic solution 3-3-3. other than that just water.


Well-Known Member
...also, the ph of a lot of organic ferts is super acidic. Mine happend to be below 4! This can hurt the ph of ur soil as well if not adjusted leading to nutrient lockout!