I think I might have a problem-----herme ? Fuck!


So im in first grow, and both my widow and kush look like they are showing signs of herme. 2 weeks into flower, buds have a shit ton of white hairs, leaves starting to look sugured, but Im also now noticing little sacks on some portions of the main stem. Question is, will the herme effect the thc contact of the bud growing? Im assuming yes it will effect my total yield, and outcome, but how much? Will post pics tonight, any thoughts on subject would rock....thanks

ps...Want to finish grow and not pull since its first time, and curious to outcome-


Well-Known Member
hermie will effect your yield/quality in the sense that some of the hiars will collect the pollen as it's released, triggering the production of seeds. Once a plant is pollinated, it puts all it's energy into making seeds, and very little into growth and thc production.

Look up Reverse spray from Dutch Master. It's like $15 and it does work. Two sprays, 10 days apart, and your plants will revert to female, assuming there is no ongoing stress.


Does the 'sack' look like this:

View attachment 1058429

or this:

View attachment 1058430

If it's the first one you are okay.. they can confuse new growers into thinking it's a
ball sack but it is just the Calyx where new pistiles are formed from the female plant
If it's the second one you probably have a hermie :(
it def. looks more like the first, but unfort. my light is off now so i cant share pics, but like a noob, I squeezed the little ball thing and it had a little green looking ball shape somthing in it?????? Good news, was the ball had quite a bit of trichomes building on it, and it did have a nice dank smell when cracked?? Also, where the balls do seem to be forming, there are white hairs coming out??? Any thoughts....I hoping im just being a paranoid noob with pic one...


Well-Known Member
it def. looks more like the first, but unfort. my light is off now so i cant share pics, but like a noob, I squeezed the little ball thing and it had a little green looking ball shape somthing in it?????? Good news, was the ball had quite a bit of trichomes building on it, and it did have a nice dank smell when cracked?? Also, where the balls do seem to be forming, there are white hairs coming out??? Any thoughts....I hoping im just being a paranoid noob with pic one...
Sounds like a female to me.. I think you should be okay from what you have described