i think i might have ripped some roots?


Active Member
i was cultivating my top layer of soil and i saw a couple little white roots at looked like it was from my plant the got ripped out or something i hope it wasnt my plant but i dont know what else it would of been cause in it a bucket but if it was my plant would it be ok?


Well-Known Member
roots can take a lot of damage really... ive seen a plant lose almost all of its little lateral roots and be fine after a few days.

the only time to worry is if you lose 50% or more of roots, or the main downward growing root. - or, of course, if they are brown n not white.

Brick Top

New Member
roots can take a lot of damage really... ive seen a plant lose almost all of its little lateral roots and be fine after a few days.

the only time to worry is if you lose 50% or more of roots, or the main downward growing root. - or, of course, if they are brown n not white.
Plants will experience problems well before 50% of their roots are damaged/lost. Plants have roughly a 50/50 ratio of above-soil growth and below soil growth. A plant's root system, if healthy, will in volume/area roughly equal the above soil growth. Of course its growth is totally different but in overall mass root systems will be roughly equal in size to the above-soil growth and once a plant's root system is damaged or removed beyond a certain point there is not enough of it remaining to supply the plant with all that it needs, and that will begin to happen well before 50% of a plant's roots are damaged or lost.

The few damaged surface roots are not a big deal though. It would be better if the roots had not been damaged but it is not serious enough to cause a problem, or at least it should not be unless the damage was worse than first believed.