I think I overwatered, can she be saved?


Well-Known Member
I have 2 dwc bubblers going and I think I had to much water in 1 of the buckets as the plant sprouted horribly.1 leaf is completely dead and the other started to turn yellow and curl. The stalk is still a healthy green though. I looked at the water level in the other bucket since they are only 3 days apart in age removed water from the overfilled bucket making them at the same level. Is there anything I can do to help the little guy?


Well-Known Member
Nope, wait him out and see if he recovers. Right now he is like a hhuman in a coma, can't really tell you anyting until you get some more growth, she does not look happy, but it's quite small and hopefully should come back.



id throw it away. my advise is germinate another seed til it roots out, then put it in miracle grow dirt, and feed it nothing but ph water. Also having it in a dome will make it healthier than shit because the humidity helps it to root better and faster. when it gets big, clone some at least 6-7 inch clones then put em in rapid rooters or clone machines til it has a nice root mass, then put em in hydroton. from my experience, Deep water is the best way to grow big plants and big yields....


Well-Known Member
Looks like I have a fighter here who seems to be making a comeback. Couldnt sleep so decided to check on the girls and the 1 leaf that I thought was dead has some green to it and she grew a 3rd leaf.

AMS 6-24.jpg


Well-Known Member
The plant looks too small to go into hydroton. joeme69 speaks the truth. you want the plant to have enough roots to exit your net cup. I start my plants in soil if im not using a clone, and wait to get a 5 inch plant, this will assure me of 6 or so inches of root. Then i wash off the dirt a bit and then into the hydroton for veg, or into the cloner for a while to wash the dirt an shit off and let it get some size. When you start a plant, such as the one in the pic, that small in hydroton, you cannot guarantee that the roots will recieve sufficient nutrients and moisture. I have a dollar store turkey baster, that i use if I do put a small ass plant in hydroton. I douche the hydroton where it meets the plant stem,two or three times a day, till it catches on. Having said that, I have seen small plants, that I thought were goners, do a resurrection that would impress any Catholic. Give it a day or two. If I can be of any assistance PM me.