i think im going to have to harvest early and not flush


New Member
ok damn it where is SIRSMOKER WHEN I NEED ADVICE
im sending out a 420-911 call


Active Member
Just my two cents. From your check list, you use Espsom salt every two weeks or so. Thats too much. Too much mag can can cause salt build up and lock out nutes. If that was the case, then your plant would have sympotoms of ph lockout (a lockout is lockout lol). Flush your plants, rinse some of that stuff out and dont give it anymore. Ride this out to the end and I think you will be fine.


New Member
thats what i concluded too i gave it to much of something or humidity or both
im going to give just 6.5 ph water and start flushing
thanks sounds like best thing to do
i am going to get dank off these anyways i wanted to know what isssue was so if it happen again earlier then 7 weeks flower
i should pull 1 1/2 oz a plant dried


New Member
oh no worries i can harvest now if i want to it is ready but im making changes and working on my room tonite and my other grow which is in dwc

It is simple thing. Too much of anything can cause problems. Wish you luck and happy smoking.