I Think I'm in trouble... plants are dying


Well-Known Member
........................ looks like nitrogen def due to over watering and it looks severe :( they may be gone, all i can suggest is stop watering till the pot get light :(


I have left them well alone after I re planted them.... no water... Guess I'll just keep my fingers crossed


Well-Known Member
have a few plant that displayed signs of over watering
No its a lot worse than overwatering bro its nute burn and they are as good as fucked, next time a milder mix and dont add nutes until about week 3.


Well-Known Member
yea those plants are dead only thing u could maybe maybe do it take her our rinse her under cold water and re-pot in a nice soil mix but still might die or might live i say 70% it will die but if u have time or only seed i would give it a try or even while u wait for another seed to germ. u can always try


Well-Known Member
over nute caused by overwater, and possibly just over nute with actual added nutes way too soon...your soil is way too hot for how much water you are adding...allow those twigs to dry out totally before you water again, or they will die..they might die anyway...hell could already be dead...just stop messing with them.


Well-Known Member
Sorry dood looks like they smoked themselves leaving you high an dry. or NOT. sry.

On to plan B any way. if these do pull through it will be weeks before they get started again.
New seed or clones if you have either will over take those quickly.

happy growing. no nutes till wk 3. then start slow.


Yep killed the poor little feckers lol well at least I learnt a lesson. Should I grow with hydroponics I've heard SLH don't like the soil as much?


Well-Known Member
Yep killed the poor little feckers lol well at least I learnt a lesson. Should I grow with hydroponics I've heard SLH don't like the soil as much?
i dunno about SLH, but i had problems with nute burn in stuff when i was trying basic soil and synthetic nutes. switched to Ocean forest and light doses of Roots organics nutes and everything is great now.

if you wanna stick with soil i would try a mix of half Fox Farms Light warrior, half Fox Farms Ocean forest. thats what i start my seedlings and clones in and ive never had one get burnt in it (sometimes a little spot will appear or leaf tip get burn when i transplant from this into a mostly ocean forest mix), it also should have enough nutes till your ready for your first transplant around 2 or 3 weeks.

i would recommend some organic nutes too, they are harder to fuck up with in my expierience. Stuff like Roots organics and Harvest moon organics get rave reviews up here (although i have some grower freinds who hate on me for using roots, they say it is garbage, but my medicine speaks for itself and they are always wanting me to smoke them up with my dank... its more thay have personal irks with the company that makes it). if you choose organic nutes just remember to start at 1/4 or smaller doses and work you way up so the plants can get used to the new regiment, its harder to burn a plant with organics, but nute companies in general usually tell you to use more than you need so youll buy more of there product.


Thanks for the advice, what would you say about these little ones? They have had no nutes I havent over watered them & I'm using 2x 90w Prakasa UFO lights, not sure whats going on again I thought nute burn but I havent added a thing. They look a bit crispy to me lol


Well-Known Member


Well-Known Member
The EC of the soil is too high - looks like they're nute burnt. I try to use Seedmix or something very low in NPK to start with. Next time, change the medium or flush it the day before.


Ok thanks guys just went and got some seedling soil almost no nutes at all in this bugger, have now re potted them..... Hope this works. The soil I was using originally is meant to have nothing added to it, but guess it still has an amount that the plants just dont like. Thanks very much for all the advice :)


The EC of the soil is too high - looks like they're nute burnt. I try to use Seedmix or something very low in NPK to start with. Next time, change the medium or flush it the day before.
Sorry dude, can you tell me what EC means, I'm a total newby and don't understand this term yet? Cheers


Thanks for the help guys they are now healthy and happy, the SLH took it the hardest and is smaller than the 2 Pure Kush that I'm growing. Here are what the kush look like now: