I think I'm Just gonna get new soil.

Ok i'm not going to explain why because i'm kinda lazy. But i'm about changing soils and i cant decide between fox farms ocean forest or fox farms happy frog potting soil. They both seem ok to use but im not sure.:sad:
I would go with an organic soil mix, you can find them with bat guano, earthworm castings, pete moss and fish emulsion. they work a lot better.
Happy Frog, all day.

I've been using Fox Farm's products for about 6 years now. I love both Happy Frog and Ocean Forest.

Ocean Forest is much heavier in nutes, and I find it nearly impossible to get my ladies to fade out at the end of flowering, it is simply too extended of a release period for the nutes.

Happy Frog, on the other hand, seems to have a perfect balance of nutes for the cannabis plant. I rarely have to feed when I use Happy Frog up through flowering, but all of the nutrients do get used by the end and fading is achievable.

So my vote is for Happy Frog all day. Ocean Forest is great for vegetables.
Why do people often suggest adding copious amounts of perlite to potting mixes that already contain enough perlite?
yea im currently using fox farm ocean forest, but ive heard alot of people using happy frog from fox farm its suppose to be alot better but im liking the results using fox farm ocean forest.
Happy Frog is just a bit lighter in nutrients, it usually seems like it is chunkier or has more bark to me, it contains humic acid and it is inoculated with the mycorrhizae and some extra bacterium. The HF also has dolomite lime while the OF has only oyster shell flour as a liming agent. But, the OF still has forest humus which does itself contain microbes, but not necessarily active mycorrhiza.

Both are sphagnum based and also contain humus, earthworm castings and perlite. Ocean Forest has sandy loam and so is more like a true soil than Happy Frog. I like to mix it with coco coir or Sunshine Advanced Mix #4, which contains coir, mycorrhizae and is also cheaper.