I think im ready to cut next weekend...pics


Well-Known Member
Alright I just turned my lights on and clipped a trichome covered fan leaf from near the top of one of the colas. Looked at it with the scope and looks like a have a mix of clear,cloudy and amber trichs so I am thinking maybe I can cut this weekend? If you guys agree then it would be perfect timing because I live in a small apartment and my fiance decided to invite my parents over for dinner sunday. So i'm thinking cut saturday?

Also ive been reading up on what highs you get with the different colored trichs. I am looking for a mix of a body/headie couch lock high. I dont want to smoke and then just want to sit there and be totally fucked up and want to goto sleep. I like to smoke and enjoy it although it is nice for when you have a hard time sleeping so that is why I am thinking a mix would be good? Which it kind of looks like I am at or very close to.



Well-Known Member
I decided to sample a bit, a took a cutting and trimmed it which is now drying, I have it in a cardboard box hoping it will dry faster so I can find out how it is quicker, but anyways here are some pictures of what I cut.



Active Member
I'd say wait till the hairs start receding into the bud more, and wait till you see a higher ratio of red to white hairs...this is probably the very earliest that I'd want to harvest, it could definitely use more time


Well-Known Member
well I think I am def going to harvest sunday morning. I'm embarassed to say that I was so impatient I just had to try it, I took the middle bud from the pictures above and oven dried it the rest of the way (im dumb i know). Not expecting much I put the whole thing in the bong and took about 4 bong rips. I sat still in my chair for like 5 minutes before I realized I wasnt doing ANYTHING. Ya I am liking this ALOT im so used to schwagg around here, hardly ever any headies around. Boy im baked and still can't believe i grew something that got me like this. So cool, by the way its my first grow


Well-Known Member
Good for u man i think im gonna harvest next week as well took a sample of my shit to iz amazing wat one man can do right


i think you should think about cutting the weekend after next weekend

Evil Buddies

Ganja King
Looking good for a first grow i must say, if you harvest the sunday morning wont be as potent if u let it go for another week. You will build up a tolerance to the weed and it wont get you as stoned when u been smokig it for a week or so. Either way looks like you gonna have some good smoke cant wait to see the pics after u trimmed and chopped. Yeah and the final smoke report what strain are u growing there.



Well-Known Member
ok ok ok, I will wait till sunday morning and see what she looks like and I will probably let her go another week.

I have no clue what strain it is because its just bagseed. Don't even know how the weed was that it came out of because I had a little seed collection for awhile.


Well-Known Member
ok I know most of you guys are saying let it go another 1-2 weeks longer then my planned harvest which will be this sunday afternoon. I have decided that in my situation it is the best decision because I have my parents coming over sunday evening for dinner (they dont know I grow, dont even know if they know i smoke) and I have 3 female auto's in a seperate room.

So the problem is I can't risk them going into the room because my place is small enough as it is their bound to go in there. I know I could just take all my plants and equpiment out of the room for the day, but thats a huge hassle.

And judging by the first picture, It looks like im seeing a decent amount of amber trichomes, look closely, look past the cat hair lol. Also here are some other pictures I took before the lights came on tonight. I'm hoping by sunday more of those white hairs turns orange and I get some more amber trichomes. Everytime I smoke some of that little branch I cut I am amazed, I take 3 bong rips out of my little one foot bong and I'm toast. WAAAAYYYYYY better then anything I can buy around here.

Edit: oh I forgot the pictures would be small, I don't know how to post the big ones like other people. So it may be harder to see those amber trichs like I was saying before....



Well-Known Member
Yummy, Im a first timer myself, have 3 grows underway, and I feel ya, I want to chop a bud to try but I can't bring myself to hafm my girls that way.
I'd wait myself, my wife's parent's came and I was like well guys this is my house so here it is, you wanna visit no problem, but you will have to over look what I do.

If my parents came over I would just tell em to mind their own business, Im close with my fam but I wouldn't let them ruin my grow.


Active Member
Well, imo its not a good idea to chop close to when someone is coming over, rember the smell is going to linger big time when their drying, worse than they are growing, ALOT worse ;)


Well-Known Member
Well, imo its not a good idea to chop close to when someone is coming over, rember the smell is going to linger big time when their drying, worse than they are growing, ALOT worse ;)
Shit I didn't even think about pointing that out, but you are right sir, Welcome to RIU and some rep for you is in da mail!


Well-Known Member
yes that is true but I think I may be good because what I'm going to do is dry in a tote. I am going to make shelves in it out of poultry fence, stick a little fan in there which I've got and stick it in my bedroom closet with the door closed. Yes I know it will be getting crappy ventilation, but just for a few hours. Worst case scenario they will be like whats that smell? and I'll be like oh a skunk sprayed outside a few days ago lol If anything they will know what the smell is, hopefully they'll think I just smoked or something. I don't want them worrying about me growing.


I would just wait. in the last pics i saw. you had maybe 50% amber and the other white hairs. I would wait til i saw like 75% amber hairs. The extra week, will be so much worth it. You don't want to spend all this time growing just to harvest to early.?. think about it.

Oh and it dosent matter how u harvest them. Its either going to be sativa and active high . or Indica and couch lock. Or Maybe you got both plants... good luck.

Green Cross

Well-Known Member
Alright I just turned my lights on and clipped a trichome covered fan leaf from near the top of one of the colas. Looked at it with the scope and looks like a have a mix of clear,cloudy and amber trichs so I am thinking maybe I can cut this weekend? If you guys agree then it would be perfect timing because I live in a small apartment and my fiance decided to invite my parents over for dinner sunday. So i'm thinking cut saturday?

Also ive been reading up on what highs you get with the different colored trichs. I am looking for a mix of a body/headie couch lock high. I dont want to smoke and then just want to sit there and be totally fucked up and want to goto sleep. I like to smoke and enjoy it although it is nice for when you have a hard time sleeping so that is why I am thinking a mix would be good? Which it kind of looks like I am at or very close to.
The trichomes are ready, that's all that matters. Anyone who thinks they know better hasn't researched the issue. Trichomes are the plants TCH factory and peak production in that area is all that matters.

There's no exact time, but one the trichs start turning, you should have about a weeks window to harvest before THC starts degrading.


Mr.Bob Saget

Active Member
out of curiosity, what day did you start flowering? I know you already harvested...but just want to know how many days that was.