I think it's time

The overgrow faq is over 15 years old now, you may not be familiar with it but you've read the mis/dis-information in it repeatedly online, in every cannabis forum you've been in. I can assure you of that.

I'm here to point out that cannabis really is not 'one with nature,' at least not as far as extreme quality goes. Nature rarely ever provides conditions that would lead to superior cannabis. Cannabis itself is capable of expressing amazing traits, when allowed to flower in a truly stress free environment.

As for quality comparisons? One only has to read how it's being grown, and look at the photos to see. There are a few growers on here I'd like to try their cannabis, the majority is Ed/Jorge quality though. You can literally see it and read it in the information they're posting about how they grew it. Well, I can anyway and I aim to eventually help straighten that out.

EVERYONE DESERVES AWESOMELY CLEAN CANNABIS! I'm unable to yell that loud enough. lol

UGH, this conversation really needed to take place in my intro thread, now deleted. Pffft! so sorry


I'm going to grow my weed organically like nature does it and it's going to get me high.
Zero harshness with no cure, only drying?


IDK... I have been grazing on my current grow through out...

immature, and all (from early flower through to almost done) has been in acceptable tolerance. No idea what strain mine is or anything else really... I know I... not abused it... but gave it pretty minimal care (not a lot of water, for example, or nutes, definitely "under lit")...

Quick drying in front of a little hot air fan heater... and smoking it... the earlier stuff was a bit harsh and just taste like grass... but since the buds really formed fully, it's been peaches. I haven't noticed a difference in "harshness" between this and store bought. Smell and flavor though, yes, and I can see that even when between what I smoke right away and what I jar for later. Potency and duration idk...not that I noticed, but then I think I've been smoking more lately (because I can, not because I felt I had to, but maybe that too?).

I'm probably just not noticing, but then it can't be that bad... I'd have to do a head to head.... also, I am a tobacco smoker, that has to count in there, and this is also talking about burning the buds... when I tried diy vaping it definitely felt harsher than other stuff I've tried using diff real vaping methods, but it could've been my shitty vape too.

I ABSOLUTELY FULLY ENDORSE a proper slow dry and cure for not only the best tasting buds, but because the oxidation process brings out important things in the bud most of us are looking for... just sayin'
Appreciate you taking the time to post that. Sounds like you did a great job. :)

No idea on the vaping though. :) Have to try it and get back to us with the real vape gear you mentioned.