i think maybe a magnesium problem, i explained very well and posted pics, please help


:leaf: im having a nute problem and im not sure if i figured it out, i think its magnesium but am not sure, so i call on u the experts to help me :) thank god for real people to turn to instead of books n junk! anyway so ok so this is my 2nd grow, the 1st one was a horror show, and was just to test my ability, used floros and dollar store dirt, learned a good amount from it though, and here i am on my 2nd grow, i put some money into this one, constructed a bigger room, got some fans for intake and out take, got the lamp, dirt, ferts and all that junk so heres my story

im 8 weeks into vegetative growing (i know im going a little long, ill explain..)

my tallest plant is about 2 1/2 feet, and my other is about 2 feet

im growing indoors in a room 5x6 feet,

i have a 600 watt HPS lamp, its about 2 feet from the tallest plant

im on a 24 hour light schedule

i constantly have fresh air coming into the room, i also have a dehumidifier, the humidity is never over 50% and the temperature varies between 70° F and 78° F, usually higher then lower

i water every 3-4 days (wed- water and ferts and sun-just water )

ive been using water at ph 6, after reading some i just switched to 6.5

im growing in coco husk chunks, fine coco, and pertilite, with a mixture of about 70% coco chunks / 10 % fine coco / 20 % pertilite

im using the fox farm ferts, at half strength, but recently went to about 3/4s strength 3 weeks ago.

i got onto the 4th week of the fox farm sceadule and didnt have the open sesame, beastie bloomz, or cha ching ferts yet due to money issues , so i have been looping week 3 over and over again up to now (im on the 8th week)

(also maybe worth noting i pushed back a week anyway on my calander to give the marijuana one more week of vegetative growth, so week 4 on fox farms schedule was my week 5)

here is the fertilizer schedule and ferts ive been using

soo now on my 7th week, maybe half way thru 6th i noticed some leaves didnt look so healthy, i brushed it off and had alot going on in my personal life and have ignored it up to now, i know its painful to hear that i ignored the problem but i didnt have money and women issues, whateva my personal life is not the issue, we gotta get these little ladies back on there feet (i promise ill never ignore u again loves)
i looked all over the internet and jorges cervantes book which i use as my bible, and figured maybe it was a magnesium or calcium problem, i never added the lime that was suggested to me to add when i started, and am probably paying for it now, i went and i got some epsom salt, and some grandmas molasses, now up untill this last watering, i have been using water with ph 6, thru some reading i figured 6.5 was much much better, even though the test of my soil always came back 6.5 i flushed my plants really well with the new 6.5 ph water and them gave them a feeding of

half a teaspoon of epsom salt, half a teaspoon of grow big, and a teaspoon of molasses to a liter of water

and after the flush fed each plant about 2 liters of the concoction instead of giving it there regular ferts

here it is friday and the plants still seem to be in bad shape and worsening, any suggestions?

p.s. i ordered the open sesame, beastie bloomz, or cha ching ferts yesterday so should have them any day now

sorry about some of the pics, my ipod hates my light for some reason




Well-Known Member
Welcome to RIU :hump:

Man, you could have any number of things going on and your starting to chase a problem. 1st off you are using a soil less growing medium....its not SOIL or DIRT and 6.5 is too high Ph for that.
Here are a few suggestions:

1. Flush your plants with plain water (3x the size of the container)
2. Stop giving nutes for two weeks
2. Buy "Cal-Mag" - add 3-4ml per gal of unchlor water (distilled is good)
3. Mix the distilled water and cal mag up and PH to 5.8

Flush then 3 days later - water w/cal mag. 3 days later water again w/cal-mag. Now start 12/12 and begin introducing bloom nutes at 1/4th recommended dosage. Use the Cal-Mag with every feeding. Ph to 5.8 EVERYTIME

Dr. Indica

Active Member
Fox Farm schedules = Fried Plants.......lower your dosage, they call for too much

Looks more like N deficiency to me.


Well-Known Member
the plant can live without the food that long?
With as much nutes as you dumped on them....shit, they can go for a long time without nutes. Get um back and healthy and forget about the nutes. I thought you said you learned something from your first grow?


With as much nutes as you dumped on them....shit, they can go for a long time without nutes. Get um back and healthy and forget about the nutes. I thought you said you learned something from your first grow?
i was unsure cause of the coco they could hold nutes that long


Well-Known Member
i was unsure cause of the coco they could hold nutes that long
Coco doesnt hold anything for long at all. Thats why I made the point about it not being soil and the Ph needs to be at 5.8 You can water your plants everyday with coco and you wont over water them.

Coco is very easy but not for a novice grower. There are nutes made specially for growing in coco.

Just add the cal-mag in there and watch them green up nicely. Just rethink your nute plan because you are frying them.


Well-Known Member
Fox Farm schedules = Fried Plants.......lower your dosage, they call for too much

Looks more like N deficiency to me.
Agreed, FF schedule is hot. But the plants can take it if you work them up too it slowly. And you do not have to have Open Ses, Beastie or Cha Ching. They are just boosters and I would just stay with the base 3 for now. They are plenty enough for a respectable grow. And I agree with Boneman. You do need CalMag at about 1/4-1/2 tsp per gal every other feeding. (just when useing nute, not when you just water)


i wish i didnt go with fox farm now, im gonna look over the board for something better, but does anyone have any suggestions of a feeding sceadule and ferts i should be using, that would be great


Well-Known Member
All the schedules and crap are getting you into trouble. Toss em. Listen to the plants. I agree with the earlier poster who said it looks like N def. N deff is most commonly caused in canna-nute lines like FoxFarm by a low N content combined with a high P content. Excess P will antagonize uptake of nitrogen causing the N deff you are seeing. Plants look hungry = feed em. Go harder on the GrowBig.

There are some well meaning members on here that really like specific additives but I'm a firm believer that basic plant nutrition (macros and micros in proper proportions) is all you need. I started with foxfarm a couple years ago too and found it lacking N causing me so many problems early on that i almost lost my first seedlings because I had watered the soil enough to effectively flush it of all existing salts (plenty of drainage) and was not giving them enough with the feed.

Coco should be the same feed. Coco specific nutes are not needed IMO, just another way to get yer $$. I currently use the Lucas Formula (GH Nutes) and get good results in coco especially, but will be switching soon to a more complete (more N and micros) line in hydro. This one is my next try:

http://www.wormsway.com/detail.aspx?t=prod&sku=FP401&AC=1 thru stretch then switch to


P.S. 6.0 is better for coco than 6.5. You probably would be ok either way but go back to 6.0:bigjoint:


well im going to collect a bunch of snow and melt it down, boil it, correct the ph, and flush the living fuck out of these things, then i will give it a couple days and see what they need, i may need to get some calmag but i have no money for like a week

thanks alot all u people are great helpin me out


Well-Known Member
i wish i didnt go with fox farm now, im gonna look over the board for something better, but does anyone have any suggestions of a feeding sceadule and ferts i should be using, that would be great
FoxFarms are awsum nutes!!!!! It just takes a bit of time to learn what works for you. I use them and love them.:weed:


Well-Known Member
well im going to collect a bunch of snow and melt it down, boil it, correct the ph, and flush the living fuck out of these things, then i will give it a couple days and see what they need, i may need to get some calmag but i have no money for like a week

thanks alot all u people are great helpin me out
No need to boil the melted snow. Curious as to why you would need too?


No need to boil the melted snow. Curious as to why you would need too?
i figured i wouldnt want any bacteria living in it or whatever, i did it last night, im watering the plants with the water now, giving them a really good flush with no nutes

Dr. Indica

Active Member
FoxFarms are awsum nutes!!!!! It just takes a bit of time to learn what works for you. I use them and love them.:weed:

Agreed, don't toss out your nutes. Fox Farm works great, you just need to get it right is all. Don't get sold into 50 products. Growing in coco, I would probably look into a grow, micro, bloom trio. Either from General Hydroponics or Humboldt Nutrients. I am currently using Humboldt Nutrients Organic line, Grow, Bloom, Deuce Deuce, and Verde. Once they run out I will probably be looking at getting their grow, micro, bloom trio because I don't like the way their organic stuff doesn't want to be soluble. I can mix up a batch and let it sit for up to 48 hrs. and it still not be fully dissolved. The stuff works great and I probably never have to adjust the pH, but it does cause buildup....and requires leaching more often. Be careful with CalMag, you can burn the shit out of your plants. Start with about 1/4 of the recommended dosage.:leaf:


ok so everything is really like lime green, the plants lost alot of there color, would think lead u to believe it is a nitrogen definciency, and what should i do about it

Dr. Indica

Active Member
ok so everything is really like lime green, the plants lost alot of there color, would think lead u to believe it is a nitrogen definciency, and what should i do about it
Once the medium dries out, give it a good shot of your Grow Big. Make sure you are not over watering. I would include a small amount of the grow nute all the way up until the final week before you flush. :leaf:

Fox Farm is organic, anything organic really doesn't require a flush. Cured and blindfolded you wouldn't know the difference if it was flushed or not.:leaf:


well ok so it seems to me it was a nitrogen deficiency the whole time, i mean i did give it a little epsom salt, but like i said they lost alot of color when i flushed them and let them be, i gave them a real big shot of nitrogen last feeding, and they certainly enjoyed it, i hope i just dont over do it now, the the open sesame, beastie bloomz, or cha ching ferts i ordered on the 1st got lost in the mail im so pissed so ive got to wait anouther 8 days before they will even resend them, it sucks so bad but whateva not gonna be the best grow i guess, i mean the plants dont look too bad they have alot of leaves on them still i dunno


Well-Known Member
Glad to see upping the feed helped out. Toss them charts in the dumper and listen to the ladies :bigjoint: