I think mold is growing on my plants!!!


Active Member
Hey yall I'm new on here and sort of new to growing. My 3 plants in soil are budding and they are doing beautifully but there is like some white fuzzy mold looking stuff growing on them like in the buds. I've read some things that say don't smoke it and throw it away but is there anything I can do to solve this?? I've put a lot of time and money into these and don't want to just throw them out...please help if anyone can


Active Member
spray with hydrogen peroxide then after it bubbles up spray down with water good + rep plz

God's Balls

Active Member
Is it spread on any of the leaves? If it's mildew, that's where it'll start. Hit that with 1tsp baking soda to a quart of water, w/ 2 drops dish soap. Mold's a bud thing, do what the other fellow said. But some pistils look weird too when they first get rolling. Mold will expand way faster than your buds, you'll know what's up. Fans, brother, fans.


Active Member
no its not on the leaves at all, just on one of the big buds I'm about to harvest in the next couple days but I just noticed this and it was like white and fuzzy and i like tried to pull it off and the bud was like all brown and nasty underneath and the white fuzziness just like came right off and I'm pretty sure it wasn't crystals, but anyway, this won't hurt me if i smoke it will it???


Well-Known Member
no its not on the leaves at all, just on one of the big buds I'm about to harvest in the next couple days but I just noticed this and it was like white and fuzzy and i like tried to pull it off and the bud was like all brown and nasty underneath and the white fuzziness just like came right off and I'm pretty sure it wasn't crystals, but anyway, this won't hurt me if i smoke it will it???
ahh bud rot happend to me once so i stopped spraying them and it stopped. its when water gets in the bed and doesn't dry


Active Member
I don't know I'm going to try the peroxide thing tomorrow. I don't spray them because I live in an apartment and am not able to have a ventilation system its in a closet and I have a fan going 24/7 and I open the window to get fresh air sometimes but maybe its because I have a small hydro system with one plant that just started to bud too but it does get super humid in there tho so maybe its cause of that I guess but thank you all so much for your help!!! =)