I think my lady is having hot flashes - pics included


Active Member
This is my first grow and I'm just trying to get the feel of things. I'm not looking for anything impressive, just a learning experience. My lady is yellowing from the bottom up. I have looked around and have not seen much that resembles what I have going on. I am thinking she is getting too hot. Here's some info:

She comes from a real nice dank bag of week, One seed in a 1/2 zone
Temps: 77F lights off, 86/99F Lights on door open/Lights on door shut
Soil: Hyponex and perilite in 2-1 mix......I know this soil is junk
Age: 46 days old, 11 veg. I'm guessing 3-4 weeks left
Nutes: GH 3 part flora at 1/4 to 1/2 strength starting around day 21, Molasses too.
H2O: Distilled from Wally World, Ph'ed with GH ph tester to a piss yellow; 5.5 to 6.5
Lights: 2 x 42 watt CFL and 2 x 26 watt CFL. Adding and rearranging lights as necessary, but she gets plenty currently.

Starting at the bottom, the leaves are yellowing and then drying and curling up. I've been sniping them as they die. I guess I just want conformation that this is not a fert/ph issue. At the rate the leaves are yellowing I will not have any in about 2 weeks :( She also has purpleish/red stems, starting at the main stalk out to the leaves. I know this may or may not be normal based on strain. Upon further inspection under the lights = before the leaf will start to yellow there is a brown and rusty texture to the perimeter of each individual leaf.

Any help is greatly appreciated!


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Active Member
She is still yellowing, more pics tomorrow, I hope.
During flowering, I know leaves yellow a bit, but do they completely fall off/come loose from the stem, from the bottom up?


Well-Known Member
You need to transplant your plant, it doesnt really matter if its coverd in duck tape, you can see the roots wich meens that light gets to the roots, basicly the yellowing is that those leafes roots are dead or going to die, and dont feed it so much ! look how dark green those top leafes are thats way to much nitrogen in there.


Well-Known Member
Dude to me it looks like nitrogen def and maybe pH burn, stop the molasses until its in flower, get some boone meal or potash in their and get your pH to 6.