I Think My Plant is Dying? Help Please!


:neutral:I'd say its about a week old , and im using two 100watts in a closet , it was in my backyard then i took it out and put it in miracle grow cause i heard it was fine and then my clovers started to turn brown and curl and now my two big leaves are starting to do that,so i took it out of the miracle grow and went outside and got soil from the ground to see if that helps? Im a first time grower please heelp! :cry:





Active Member
Soil burnt it, it's also in shock from the transplant.

Yep, it's dying.... Maybe flush? But that MG soil has nutes (if that's the type you bought)



Well-Known Member
Ya know, it's hard to deny that the MG burnt the little guy, but I've used all types of MG soils, and never had a problem with any, EXCEPT, a long time ago, when I bought some that had been soaking wet for quite awhile. Now, common sense would tell me that, in that case, the soil could become too hot for a small plant, because there would be a buildup of nutes, from the contant moisture. Any possibility that was the case? Also, I have to ask....did you feed them anything but water?


Ya know, it's hard to deny that the MG burnt the little guy, but I've used all types of MG soils, and never had a problem with any, EXCEPT, a long time ago, when I bought some that had been soaking wet for quite awhile. Now, common sense would tell me that, in that case, the soil could become too hot for a small plant, because there would be a buildup of nutes, from the contant moisture. Any possibility that was the case? Also, I have to ask....did you feed them anything but water?
yeah that was probaly the case i put it back in the original soil from outside and no i havent i have just been giving it water.


Soil burnt it, it's also in shock from the transplant.

Yep, it's dying.... Maybe flush? But that MG soil has nutes (if that's the type you bought)

i changed it back to the soil from outside . will that help any??


Active Member
I doubt it, you probably shocked it even more by doing that, give a flush since it's back in the original soil..

If that were my plant I would have left in the MG soil and rode it out


Well-Known Member
I would start planning my next grow; she's going through a lot of stress which can hermie later on. I usually sow in batches of fours to six in case a few don't make it. Try to be more hands off next go around.


yeah thats understandable. i have 4 more that have sprouted out the seed that im trying to see what soil is the best so i can plant them what should i use??


Well-Known Member
Sounds like your falling into the marketing hype of the magical soil. Dirt is dirt. Find something that comes sterilized and that drains well. Seed starting mixes are going to be your best bet.

If you start out with a medium that has nutrients in it (like MG with Slow Release) you'll run a much higher risk of burning your plants, unless you know what your doing.

If you start your seedlings in a seed starting medium, wait until the seeding develops 3-4 sets of leaves (usually around the third or forth week) or when the bottom leaves start turning yellow from nitrogen deficiency.

Worm casting is really all you need up till harvest and it's hard (but not impossible) to burn your plants using it. Its even safe for seedlings if you keep the ratio of worm castings to soil under 15%. Don't get to worked up on what's the best nutrients. They are all pretty much the same; some are more concentrated then others and some just have a little more of this and that.

What most don't mention is that 95% of the plant's yield and vigor has less to do with nutrients and more to do with the strain's genetics. Grow using simple methods first, so you know what the plant will do. On your next crop do a side by side comparison. One plant using just worm casting and another plant using a nutrient of your choice. See which performs better and use that on the following crop. Repeat and pretty soon you'll become a pro.