i think my seeds are dead


Well-Known Member
i started germinating 4 ak-47 seeds i got the other day, it had been a full day and it looked like they were great, i could see the lil white tap root starting to pop out. Then my power went out and the temp got to about 55 for 12 hours.

it has been 2 days since then and i have seen no further development, i'm thinking mold got to them?

Am i stupid? could they be dead or em i just to impatient.


Active Member
man, i have almost the same problem. except i didnt realize my laundry room closet had a vent that went directly outside. so my little seed got really cold one night, so i bought a heater for the room. day 4 after planting and still no seedlings come out yet : ( but ima wait and see for a little longer.

buggs bunny

Well-Known Member
you said the tap root came out of the soil first,that was the root!

you should have seen atwo little leaves coming out of the soil first,sounds like the seed is growing upside down.

make sure its 70 degrees and add dirt to the top if your root did come out first so it dosnt dry out and wait for the real top to appear