I think that im seriously ADDICTED to weed


Well-Known Member
yo im not even joking like it is really bad
ive been smoking for almost 10 years now none stop. and i tried not to smoke for a day and i just couldnt do it. like on some serious shit i wanna be ripped all day every day for the rest of my life and i dont think i will ever have the power to quit . and its weird cause ive done madd drugs for long periods of time
(like e , coke , roxis and oxys , xanax ) and i quit them no problem not even one withdrawal and i was poppin them like crazy ever day for a month and i quit all of them no problem but weed its just something about it that i love so much and i dont ever want to stop smoking it , and i think people who dont smoke weed are morons

u think theres something wrong with me?
or do u guys have the same shit ?


Well-Known Member
u think theres something wrong with me?
or do u guys have the same shit ?
THC, like every other drug, affects people differently. It could be that you are physically addicted to the feeling of being high, what to do about it... I'm not sure, but it is very possible you are physically/mentally addicted even though THC has been shown to have the lowest level of dependency risk. Welcome to the world of drugs, but try not to worry so much, the herb is most benign... all I could suggest is if you're inhale, get a vaporizer over the long run... your lungs will thank you.


Well-Known Member
yo im not even joking like it is really bad
ive been smoking for almost 10 years now none stop. and i tried not to smoke for a day and i just couldnt do it. like on some serious shit i wanna be ripped all day every day for the rest of my life and i dont think i will ever have the power to quit . and its weird cause ive done madd drugs for long periods of time
(like e , coke , roxis and oxys , xanax ) and i quit them no problem not even one withdrawal and i was poppin them like crazy ever day for a month and i quit all of them no problem but weed its just something about it that i love so much and i dont ever want to stop smoking it , and i think people who dont smoke weed are morons

u think theres something wrong with me?
or do u guys have the same shit ?
:lol: :clap::-P:leaf::weed::bigjoint:

It's called self control, you are not addicted :peace:


Well-Known Member
THC, like every other drug, affects people differently. It could be that you are physically addicted to the feeling of being high, what to do about it... I'm not sure, but it is very possible you are physically/mentally addicted even though THC has been shown to have the lowest level of dependency risk. Welcome to the world of drugs, but try not to worry so much, the herb is most benign... all I could suggest is if you're inhale, get a vaporizer over the long run... your lungs will thank you.
i dont really like vaporizers cause i love the smoke of it . like for instance couple of minutes after i made this thread i was already smoken a big ass joint and now after im done typing thiis response im gunna fuckin roll another one and after that one another one , u see what im saying ? im out of control i dunno how to stop and it wud be retarded for me to go to rehab (cuz i know one of u will suggest that) because im gunna get fuckin laughed at by all the fuckin real hardcore drugaddicts in the place for cheing in for constant marijuana use


Well-Known Member
i dont really like vaporizers cause i love the smoke of it . like for instance couple of minutes after i made this thread i was already smoken a big ass joint and now after im done typing thiis response im gunna fuckin roll another one and after that one another one , u see what im saying ? im out of control i dunno how to stop and it wud be retarded for me to go to rehab (cuz i know one of u will suggest that) because im gunna get fuckin laughed at by all the fuckin real hardcore drugaddicts in the place for cheing in for constant marijuana use
Sounds like you just need some better herb if you have to smoke all that . . .

Vape will get you higher use less herb. :peace:

I've been vaping :mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
I am addicted to weed only in the same way i am addicted to ice cream. I don't know about you. maybe you shouldn't be smoking it- but it's not a problem for me.


Well-Known Member
I am addicted to weed only in the same way i am addicted to ice cream. I don't know about you. maybe you shouldn't be smoking it- but it's not a problem for me.
are u kidding me ?
i NEED to be smoking it , i think it is the shit
and for the guy that said "smoke better weed" i smoke fire mayng :bigjoint:


Active Member
you may have a problem but only you and people close to you will know. a lot of people are addicted to sugar.....seriously, it's addictive like any other drug, but when does a sugar addiction impair someone's productivity? mj increases my productivity but then i have chronic pain.

if it continually gets in the way and keeps you from important things in your life then you've probably got a problem .... and may want to do some research (google "signs of drug addiction" or whatever) ....

if you want to quit .... find a way to quit. ration off your dope for the day and cut back slowly til your off .... quit cold turkey .... talk to a doc. if you think it's a problem do whatever you need to do.

if you don't want to quit or don't think it's a problem then don't quit.

everyone reacts to things differently. it's all good ... you choose :)


Well-Known Member
it doesn't really make sense that a vape would get someone more blazed, but it does seem like a good way to keep your tolerance at a reasonable level so you can continue to get really blazed. in my experience vaping has just been a different high, not so much of a more potent high.

I feel slight withdrawal symtoms from not smoking weed such as minor sweats and discomfort (feeling like I drank a shitload of coffee) but other than that it's not that bad, goes away after a couple days. but such physical symtoms do count as 'addiction', maybe not severe in any way, but still technically addiction.


New Member
You don't think so? The vape gets me blazed. What's fire? Switch strains maybe you just need different weed.Oh and I'm "the guy" :roll:
fire usually refers to dank nug...... i usally dont call anything fire except kush cuz their are some kushes that actually expand ur longs so much it feels like they are on fire