I think these girls are ready


These plants have been growing for a total of 107 days and have been in flowering for 59 days of that. I have looked at the trichomes under a x10 magnefier and they appear to be cloudy but it`s hard to see with the x10 magnefication. If someone could take a look at these and tell me if they are ready to harvest that would be a big help, Thanks.



Weed Modifier
very nice plants man...they are cloudy then they are very close. The first one looks like trainwreck.

also depends on the high you are looking for, are you waiting to see amber? if so then go get a 30x mag and it will be clearer to see the color in the trichomes


very nice plants man...they are cloudy then they are very close. The first one looks like trainwreck.

also depends on the high you are looking for, are you waiting to see amber? if so then go get a 30x mag and it will be clearer to see the color in the trichomes

well I`m looking to get a energetic, up high and I think you get that when the trichomes are cloudy?
go to radioshack, they sell a 60-100x magnifier for $12 look at the thrichs and see if there cloudy, half amber half white, or all amber.
that will tell you where your at.


Well-Known Member
It looks indica to me which means it very well could be done. If 50-75% of the hairs (pistils) are red or brown then its time to harvest.


Well-Known Member
I'd definitely invest in that $12 microscope from Radioshack. Cheap and works. Man your girls look beautiful bet they taste great!


Active Member
I bought the $12 microscope at radioshack but am still having a hard time viewing the trichomes. My main problem is it's extremely hard to hold that microscope steady enough for 60-100x viewing without damaging the buds. Does anyone have any tips on how they use it?

I also bought a 30x jewelers loupe but I can't tell the difference between clear and cloudy triches with it.


Well-Known Member
I know what you mean. I bought a bud scope what a piece of shit. I end up sniping a small sample and use a microscope. Those scopes all seem like jokes, try hold one up to a bud and adjust the zoom and focus. I end up with it smeared with trichs and now it collects dust on a shelf, I would have spent that $20 differently.


Active Member
Btw, I've seen some real killer microscopes at dispensaries that project onto a video screen. Those ones rock. But they cost $200


Well-Known Member
It took me a little bit to get used to the $12 dope scope. At first I had to snip a sugar leaf off to view the trichs, but now I just put the scope up to the buds just gotta have a steady hand I guess.