I THINK tis is nute burn..


Well-Known Member
Sorry about the cell phone pics, my camera dosn't have battries.

I started nutes last weekend and it probly was a tad too soon and a tad too much (around 1/3 nutes when 5th set of leaves were barely there). These brown spots started on the lowwer leaves and they have yellowed a little bit so yesterday I flushed them with distilled water that according to my crappy PH test kit (colord dye) is around 6.5-7 until the water came out the bottom holes to try to get some of thwe nutes out.

I hope its just a little nute burn.



Well-Known Member
Thank for the reply, I really don't know for sure about the exact PH cause I hate the dye PH kits but I don't have the money for a regulat PH meter, Unless the one I use for the soil will work in water...It shows my soil PH at 7 if im reading it right.


Well-Known Member
I have a dye test kit, I just suck at reading it.

They are 3.5 weeks of Veg but about a week or so behind (I had a very problem infested start being this is my 1st grow)


Well-Known Member
2 days after flushing with distilled water 1 is lookin a little rough and 1 is looking pretty good. Too bad the taller one got hit so bad, but then again the shorter one hasn't grown much lately.



Well-Known Member
FoxFarm Grow Big and Big Bloom, I have the Tiger Bloom but waiting for flowering for that.


Well-Known Member
FoxFarm Grow Big and Big Bloom, I have the Tiger Bloom but waiting for flowering for that.
Are you splashing the leaves when you water? Why are you using Bloom nutes so early in veg? Stick with some really diluted grow big and remember this is organic so space the feeding schedule out don't expect instant results. :peace:


Well-Known Member
I was just using the nutes at 1/3 of what the directions said and wich ones it said to use, but you do have a point and I should have probly though that one through a little better.
and i'm not splashing the leaves at all then I water, I do mist them occationally with distilled water that comes out of the bottle around PH7. I was watering them every 3 days or so but it wasn't untill a few days after I added nutes that the problem started with the 1.


Well-Known Member
I would stop the misting I think you are just promoting mold growth on lower leaves the leaf spotting is suspect and when the leaves die they can get moldy and promote mold growth on healthy leaves. Sounds like you have it under control though I would not flush anymore. If you are using foxfarm soil then you have a great mix and should not need to add any ferts for a while


Well-Known Member
Ok cool thnx, At least your not saying their gonna die so i'm happy:mrgreen: i'll stop misting them and I didn't use foxfarm soil (I was going to) but didn't have the cash at the time so I used tamberland organic soil from lowes with a little lime and 1/4 perlite for soil.


Well-Known Member
Ok cool thnx, At least your not saying their gonna die so i'm happy:mrgreen: i'll stop misting them and I didn't use foxfarm soil (I was going to) but didn't have the cash at the time so I used tamberland organic soil from lowes with a little lime and 1/4 perlite for soil.
Check on the organic additives in that soil your plants might have everything they need for a little while :mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
Ok, will do, I KNOW it has worm castings in it but yeah thats were I made the big mistake


Well-Known Member
Ok just bought this, I hope its working right because i didn't think I had the PH THAT close...any quick way to test a meter?



Well-Known Member
I try and keep my PH at 6.2-6.5. Didn't look like you had nute burn, maybe something else. But like new growth said, that organic soil you have should sustain plant life for at least 3 weeks or so. Don't add anymore nutes.
