i thought this was an experienced site so why no answers to my problems

6 week into flower..... That's about the time I'd be thinking of upping my feeding to near max but yet everybody is saying ease of the nutes....good feed go a long way....
You can't turn yellow back to green

well sure you can. just grab the right shade can of krylon or rustoleum and do 'er up. works great on my lawn when it turns brown. saves water and lots of time.*

*totally joking. if anyone's stupid enough to paint their plant(s) don't come crying that you took my advice and it f'd up your girl(s). my response will likely be a lot of laughing.
Mate your plants are fine, yellowing off like that happens in late flower 100 bucks says your plants are rootbound in the 10 litre pot not root rot but could be smell the bottom of your pot after watering if it stinks it's root rot aswell as rootbound, don't worry you will make it to harvest easy next time pot up to a larger than 10 litre pot 2 weeks before flipping to 12/12 flower, ps nice nugs
You didn't mention if this was a seed or clone. If it was a clone, sometimes the cloners "water down the sauce" to finish a batch giving you a clipping from the upper branches....this will give you a plant that ages (and yellows) prematurely.
you have a normal grow - with a little nutrient over-use and leaf yellowing is normal in middle and later flower but not the spots on them
look close at those leaves. Yellowing, even into the veins, brown spotting. you have a potasium deficiency. and using garden soil indoors is a recipe for disaster unless you sterilize it!
soil from garden in 10 litre but i added 4 inch of coco an pebble at the start of flower
1 fan over the tops only to cool light
40- 60 rh
ph 6.8 or below never over an runoff 5.9

bio grow for veg
biobloom now for flower
an rhiz in veg
temps form 72 to 84 day goes down to 67 by the morn 80rh

my plant is 6 weeks into flower first it showed signs of over fert so i flushed an calmed the feed down but i give it more water now but last two days ive noticed the cause i fimed in an has four colas in the middle the leaves have turned yellowish but not around the out side whast could this be or is it natural but i dont no why the browns there i have the fan blowing ovver top but at night the rh goes up to 80 by the morning other wise when lights on is 40 -60 please help all advice welcome
soil frm garden in 10 litre pot but added a few inch of coco pebble at flowering needed more room for root growth i thought
biobloom 2 ml a litre and i add cannazym 10 ml for 6.5 litres
i first noticed the tips burning so i flushed it a few days ago just used water phed for 2 more feeds then feed it with biobloom abit of pk1314 and thhis is what happened it only at the top though
the next pics are same plant but the buds can you tell me if there doing okay 6 week flowering amnesia
heres a bud at the bootom going along the stem of the main buds shall i take them off to use the energy forthe buds or is it to late

this is the bottom were some of the leaves are going yellow i thought it was expected to do this

First of all, way too many fucking pictures and second, what the is soil from the garden like and please don't say 'it's good, grows lots of veggies'. Did you have it tested? Do you know what is in it?
It looks like a good pruning would help. A tip or theory to "over-nuting" or even to help with minimal feeding. Using HUMIC acid when feeding helps with nutrient uptake.....However, if used when over fed it can aide in the plant to "leach" the over notes. It is a theory and as I have seen it does work.

Also, some nutrients are considered "Mobile" nutrients while others are not. Like Nitrogen is a mobile nutrient which can be seen generally start from the bottom and move up. )Yellowing of the leaves)

A plant that is root bound can show many weird signs of deficiencies or vice versa. Plants that have not been pruned properly can have more leaves than needed during flowering and will show signs much sooner since the plant doesn't need these it will consume what it needs and let the leaf go. Pruning and transplanting are vital aspects of the grow.

From the pictures you plants seem pretty good. Just a few too many leaves at this point. The "purple-like" coloring or spotty darker coloring can be phosphorus or magnesium deficiencies. Epsom salts are a great Magnesium source.

Also too much watering can cause the roots to die off or aka "root-rot". This is an obvious nutrient uptake issue. Letting the roots dry out will expand and fortify the roots. Benificials and a HIBRIX molasses can really boost your plants to be hardier and more resistant to issues. As does using FRASS.
What will happen if I take clones off of the bottom Left ???
Bottom cuts for clones are said to have better or stronger rooting hormones than the upper or top cuts. However there is a difference in the rigidness of the stems. From woody/semi-woody to non-woody. This can effect the rooting of the plant or how fast it will rot, depending on the cloning technique. The Tops or uppers seem to be more resilient than the lowers and show more of the potential in the plant. IMO. The lowers may root "better" but they are not as lush. Topping the plant and cloning them is a great way to maximize growth on all fronts. You really won't be speeding up the process based on WHERE the cut is taken...