I Topped My Plant and I Need Advice on Something!


Active Member
HEy wasup guys just thought id post some new pics and keep this post up to date since i topped my plant bout 5-6 days ago, anyways i got another question, when you top the plant where does the tops normally shoot out of? do they come out of the sides of the stem or on top cause if you look at my pics it seems like the tops are coming out from where i cut the new leaf growth is this suppose to happen? does my plant look normal? thanks again!






Active Member
I think you topped to soon, the new tops will come from the lower node right above the some leaves

I agree with ya man,


i have tossed my girl i topped :( i know it sucked and i was pissed but i think i put her thru some stress and i think i did top her too soon although i did a Ton of research and said was fine, but oh well i got 2 New baby girls that just sprouted and i will be growing them I wont top it untill its a little bit older, like they Say you Learn things as you grow your own Plant and i sure did
THank you all for the help and Advice i got from all of you, i will be active with these forums if i have any more questions or concerns on my growing i will post another thread like i did with some Pics.

THANKS AGAIN very helpful People and forums!!!


Well-Known Member
Ya, i knew they'd be to small. But check it, on these next babies, lower the lights as far down as you can to help prevent stretching, but not to close as to burn them. Remember you want a bush, not a stick.
You'll have no prob letting them get up to about 10-12 inches before you need to top safely, that will allow them to get strong enough to handle the topping.
I think alot of people get into such a rush to do everything so fast, but u gotta keep yourself from doing that. It's a plant, it takes time to grow big and strong. Thats prolly why i'll never go from seed, i don't have the patience. Haha
Get your environment on lock-down first, then everything else will slowly come into place.


Active Member
looks to me like you might have femmed your plant instead of topping it.ya should kept them and let them grow out for a few weeks to see what would happen...IMO