I used brown sugar but now I have molasses - need advice


hi all - i couldnt find molasses anywhere here where i live so i gave up and gave my plants some brown sugar yesterday - i usually water every other day because its really hot here and they are in small pots - I am 3 weeks into flowering.

today i scored some molasses so I am wondering when i should give them some?

should i make a solution of 2 tablespoons per gallon and then give them a bit tomorrow morning or should I just wait my usual every other day and then feed them or should i not give them the molasses water until tues which would be the next watering after the one I will do on sun?



Well-Known Member
can you explain why you are watering every other day ?

and I would flush the brown sugar out before doing anything


Well-Known Member
use it everytime u water..i start giving my plants molasses 1-2weeks b4 flowering them..1tbsp per gallon every time i water then during week 4-5 and sometimes 6 depending on the strain i give them 2tbsp per gallon


can you explain why you are watering every other day ?

and I would flush the brown sugar out before doing anything
I water every other day because here in costa rica the sun is VERY hot and these are outdoors and also they are in very small pots so they need to be watered every other day.

u really think I need to flush out that brown sugar?

If so I guess I can do that tomorrow when they are ready for water again.

I usually water/feed them so that there is water dripping out the bottom of the pots... am I giving them too much water when I do this? to flush them how much water should run out the bottom?

they look really healthy I am wondering why I need to flush them... is brown sugar that bad? :sad:

yes soil of course.


Well-Known Member
I have no information regarding brown sugar, but if your plants look healthy, I see no reason for flushing out the brown sugar. Hell, every time you water you are flushing the plant to a certain degree, so the effects of the brown sugar will be gone in short order.

The advice on the molasses seems reasonable that you have received above.

As for watering, my method is for me to know the weight of the pot when it is dry and to only water when the pot reaches that weight. Mine is an indoor grow and it would be more likely that I might over water. Your grow, being outdoors, it would seem to me, it would be more likely that you would under water. Using the weight of the pot method to determine when your plant needs water would work indoors or out.


I have no information regarding brown sugar, but if your plants look healthy, I see no reason for flushing out the brown sugar. Hell, every time you water you are flushing the plant to a certain degree, so the effects of the brown sugar will be gone in short order.

The advice on the molasses seems reasonable that you have received above.

As for watering, my method is for me to know the weight of the pot when it is dry and to only water when the pot reaches that weight. Mine is an indoor grow and it would be more likely that I might over water. Your grow, being outdoors, it would seem to me, it would be more likely that you would under water. Using the weight of the pot method to determine when your plant needs water would work indoors or out.
Yeah I agree. I am definitely not overwatering them - they are quite healthy.

Today the buds look even fatter and everything looks cool so I don't see a need to flush them.

I am simply going to use molasses as usual.

I am wondering how often I should feed them the molasses though I don't want to overdo it.

Right now I am feeding them nute water every other day. I am thinking of just adding the molasses to the nute water and giving that to them every other day also.

I only give them about 1.5L of water because that is all they can handle then it starts to drip through so they aren't getting that much anyways.

It is either every other day for both or I skip the molasses every other time.

On a side note, I keep thinking I see trichomes but when I look really close it looks more like fur, with no round heads on the end. Too soon I guess but the buds are growing very nice. Hopefully in a week or two they will start to show some color and then I can get a better idea what the strain is.


Well-Known Member
about sugar water from another thread (and forum)

Growing Edge reader Andy F. replies:
When I watered my plant with sugar water, the plant's leaves got brown and they molded and rotted. They stunk the house up.

Growing Edge reader Jane D. replies:
Sugar water made my plants rot and smell. I watered them a reasonable amount but they all rotted and didn’t grow.

Why I told ya to flush, but I have never tried it just saying what I've read

newbie grow420

Active Member
Yeah I agree. I am definitely not overwatering them - they are quite healthy.

Today the buds look even fatter and everything looks cool so I don't see a need to flush them.

I am simply going to use molasses as usual.

I am wondering how often I should feed them the molasses though I don't want to overdo it.

Right now I am feeding them nute water every other day. I am thinking of just adding the molasses to the nute water and giving that to them every other day also.

I only give them about 1.5L of water because that is all they can handle then it starts to drip through so they aren't getting that much anyways.

It is either every other day for both or I skip the molasses every other time.

On a side note, I keep thinking I see trichomes but when I look really close it looks more like fur, with no round heads on the end. Too soon I guess but the buds are growing very nice. Hopefully in a week or two they will start to show some color and then I can get a better idea what the strain is.
Brown sugar? never ever read of using that where you get the idea is it cause its sweet like molasses?
From what I have read you can't really overdo molasses unless your just dumping large amounts. Its all micro nutes and carbs the main reason besides micro nutes is for positive bacteria that breaks down organic material to feed your plant. I have been using for 3 weeks and have seen an increase is denisty of the buds. I water 2 to 3 times a week 1 with nutes and 1 with molasses if they need more I use plain water


about sugar water from another thread (and forum)

Growing Edge reader Andy F. replies:
When I watered my plant with sugar water, the plant's leaves got brown and they molded and rotted. They stunk the house up.

Growing Edge reader Jane D. replies:
Sugar water made my plants rot and smell. I watered them a reasonable amount but they all rotted and didn’t grow.

Why I told ya to flush, but I have never tried it just saying what I've read
interesting... well I used brown sugar because it contains 3.5% molasses.

I read in some threads here on RUI of veteran growers using it.

So far it has been 24hrs and everything looks fine. I wonder how long IF they were to turn brown it would take?

Tomorrow they will be dry and need water again so I will check them then if I see anything sketchy I will flush them. If they look fine I will give em nutes + molasses.

Do you have any idea how long it would take the plant to react and turn brown? My assumption is that 48hrs would be enough time to show something. Right now they look rally perky and happy :) :bigjoint:


Active Member
I water when two in. from top is dry every 2,3 days.now my? is do you want to water each plnt until water drips out the bottom bucket holes? or just fill up top soil to brim..


Well-Known Member
I water when two in. from top is dry every 2,3 days.now my? is do you want to water each plnt until water drips out the bottom bucket holes? or just fill up top soil to brim..
water till you get plenty of run off


Well-Known Member
u dont need to flush out brown sugar haha some people just talk like they know what there talking about cuz they "read" in a thread about it haha..dont believe everything u read if u question it try it first then speak on it..dude used sugar water anyways not brown sugar and he probably used way to much thats y his leafs got brown..and theres probably other reasons why his plants went brown..he probably just added sugar and blamed it on that..brown sugar is not the reason tho ive actually used brown sugar with no ill effects what so ever but would suggest using molasses


u dont need to flush out brown sugar haha some people just talk like they know what there talking about cuz they "read" in a thread about it haha..dont believe everything u read if u question it try it first then speak on it..dude used sugar water anyways not brown sugar and he probably used way to much thats y his leafs got brown..and theres probably other reasons why his plants went brown..he probably just added sugar and blamed it on that..brown sugar is not the reason tho ive actually used brown sugar with no ill effects what so ever but would suggest using molasses
thanks man - I figured as much.

Won't be flushing.

They look really good - today is the first day I can clearly see trichomes :D

Now I am anxious to see what colour they change into it.

Tomorrow I start molasses I got from a buddy :bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
they look alright..next time throw em outside during veg season and they wont flower so fast..or veg em indoor then put it outside once its over a foot or two or three depending on what u want..id veg till it were 3ft and hope for a 7-8 footer