i used to think strain was important, now i dont.

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when i started growing i thought the strain i was growing was a big deal as a newb would. Then i began to realize after growing umpteen different strains that its not the strain that's important its how healthy the genetics are and what additives you use. These additives are literally steroids for plants which is fine by me. the same way you can take a skinny guy feed him tons of testosterone and make him arnold. You can do it with a strain as long as the genetics are good. Good being a healthy yield and some what frosty. the reason i say this is if i have a good specimen to work with i can do great things. there is a peak in marijuana and some strains are naturally at this peak but others you can be "boosted" to get there. bud factor x isnt bull shit bud xl isnt bull shit shooting powder isnt bull shit liquid karmo isnt bullshit roots excel isnt bullshit. this stuff is the reason why these old heads that smoked MJ in the good old years of nixon can barely smoke our shit now. H&G AN MF these companies have liberated us growers from douche bags who don't share their strains. I was in shock the first time i heard a "friend" tell me no when i asked for a strain. I was in utter shock and disbelief that people wouldn't share these clones that anyone can make for pennies. This is pot we are talking about all you have to do is cut dip and give time and you have a whole new plant ( great thing about having cell walls). Doesn't that greedy attitude completely counter the holistic philosophy of pot itself??? So, in this rant i solute you plant steroid companies because now i can grow just as potent cannabis with twice the yield and half the price to my customers.
honorable mention goes out to : curing properly
with the right regimen of "nutes" potency doesn't matter just flavor. Ill make an analogy, wild turkey 101 and vodka 100p, i like bourbon but the vodka will get me just as drunk. you can take Ghost og and have a (best case scenario) 26-27 percent thc i can take white kush and with the right regimen get the same outcome with more bud.

Fatty R Buckle

Active Member
when i started growing i thought the strain i was growing was a big deal as a newb would. Then i began to realize after growing umpteen different strains that its not the strain that's important its how healthy the genetics are and what additives you use. These additives are literally steroids for plants which is fine by me. the same way you can take a skinny guy feed him tons of testosterone and make him arnold. You can do it with a strain as long as the genetics are good. Good being a healthy yield and some what frosty. the reason i say this is if i have a good specimen to work with i can do great things. there is a peak in marijuana and some strains are naturally at this peak but others you can be "boosted" to get there. bud factor x isnt bull shit bud xl isnt bull shit shooting powder isnt bull shit liquid karmo isnt bullshit roots excel isnt bullshit. this stuff is the reason why these old heads that smoked MJ in the good old years of nixon can barely smoke our shit now. H&G AN MF these companies have liberated us growers from douche bags who don't share their strains. I was in shock the first time i heard a "friend" tell me no when i asked for a strain. I was in utter shock and disbelief that people wouldn't share these clones that anyone can make for pennies. This is pot we are talking about all you have to do is cut dip and give time and you have a whole new plant ( great thing about having cell walls). Doesn't that greedy attitude completely counter the holistic philosophy of pot itself??? So, in this rant i solute you plant steroid companies because now i can grow just as potent cannabis with twice the yield and half the price to my customers.
honorable mention goes out to : curing properly



Well-Known Member
I simply don't buy this.

You can take an industrial hemp plant and use whatever regimen of nutes, light, voodoo, etc, you like, and it still won't make frosty nugs. The same is true to a lesser extent of any schwagg plant. You can't make a silk purse out of a sow's ear.

Genetics largely control trichrome constituent cannabinoids AND trichrome density and are still THE most important contributor to plant potential strength. Overall growth characteristics (including plant structure and yield) still matter, and those are largely controlled by genetics, too.

Now, all that said, I do think emphasis on genetics is somewhat overblown.

The difference in potency between the best possible plants grown in a mediocre way, and just "very good" plants grow to their max potential isn't all that great. Does it really matter if it takes you four puffs to get "medicated" or five? That's effectively the difference between a "super elite" strain and a "really good" one.
did you read the original post? it the specimen needs to have good/quality genetics. i recently picked up critical mass. The plant my clones were taken from was a quality plant. Now my clones are not only big but incredibly frosty. I showed them off to some friends and their responses were very pleasing they didn't believe it was that plant.

  • "The difference in potency between the best possible plants grown in a mediocre way, and just "very good" plants grow to their max potential isn't all that great. Does it really matter if it takes you four puffs to get "medicated" or five? That's effectively the difference between a "super elite" strain and a "really good" one."
    but with the right regimen i can make that very good plant "elite".​

im not saying im an "elite grower", not even close. I still come here when i run into problems. as i said people who hoard their "elite" strains are idle now due to these great additives/steroids.


Well-Known Member
did you read the original post? it the specimen needs to have good/quality genetics.
What's the difference between "strain" and "genetics"?

Yes, if you start with good genetics, you'll get a good plant.

If you don't, you won't.

If you're saying that lots of so called "strains" aren't really, no disagreement there, but the above still holds true.
you can't polish a turd? well you cant teach some one to read either.
the difference between good genetics and a strain is that a strain is flavor and aroma specific, the genes specify if its healthy, grows well resistant to disease ect. like i said i grow so people can get medicated, medication is based on potency and potency can now be controlled through "additives" its no longer strain specific (granted depending on the high you are looking for sativa/indica). I dont need to search for a strain anymore to get 25-27 % thc any more. I have found a plant that has good genes and now through outside influences i can make it as potent as a Ghost OG or a chem dog.
here's an example, you get a bag of seeds from the internet all the seeds are of the same strain but some grow much better then the others. Those plants have "good genetics".


Active Member
you can't polish a turd? well you cant teach some one to read either.
the difference between good genetics and a strain is that a strain is flavor and aroma specific, the genes specify if its healthy, grows well resistant to disease ect. like i said i grow so people can get medicated, medication is based on potency and potency can now be controlled through "additives" its no longer strain specific (granted depending on the high you are looking for sativa/indica). I dont need to search for a strain anymore to get 25-27 % thc any more. I have found a plant that has good genes and now through outside influences i can make it as potent as a Ghost OG or a chem dog.
you can't polish a turd is an analogy for making shit genetics cup winners, you should tell the seedbanks to advertise their seed/strain descriptions as uncapped thc levels for all seeds regardless of genetics as long as advanced nutrients are used
once again fool, the genetics have to be promising as you said "you cant polish a turd". and i said nothing about uncapped thc levels, the amount of thc in smoke is limited. potent weed is no longer limited to strain.

Howard Stern

Well-Known Member
strain does not matter, the genetics do, please read the whole thread before you comment.
You miss the point. You can make an educated guess when buying seeds on what genetics to get by the STRAIN and the BREEDER! So strain is usualy 50% of your decision when buying seeds. Around that for most people. How would you describe a strains genetics withought using the strain name? Try it you will sound stupid. This is _____________ X _____________ The strain doesn't matter just trust us there are good genetics in there?
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