i used to think strain was important, now i dont.

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thats just the thing howard, you can get a bag of seeds from a great strain but the genes those seeds are carrying might be bad. So, to keep away from this problem and the problem of people hoarding their elite strains, you find a good strain like critical mass and with the additives supplied by these fertilizer companies you make these good strains produce an "elite" strains thc levels.


Active Member
You may get the top end of the expected thc level but its in the genetic make up of a plant to reach a certain level..you are trying to say you can exceed this with nutrients


Active Member
so critical mass would be expected to reach levels of 22%, tell me what you could get those levels up to?


Well-Known Member
here's an example, you get a bag of seeds from the internet all the seeds are of the same strain but some grow much better then the others. Those plants have "good genetics".
In fact, if the seeds from a pack grow out into a number of different-looking plants with different traits, then you didn't really start with a "strain" after all (which was one of my points earlier).

Anyway, "good genetics" to you means "good phenos"?

You're aware that most so called "elite" cuts just represent selected phenos of commercially available lines, or hybrids derived thereof, right?

Regardless, I still reject your premise.

No amount of nutes, chemicals, hormones, wishful thinking, or voodoo can turn a plant from a mediocre strain into a 25% THC level monster.

Can't be done, and anyone claiming differently is probably trying to sell something.

Now, if you're saying that there are any number of good commercial strains out there that have the potential to yield top potency, and that for this reason you don't necessarily need an elite "clone only" strain to get there, then that I agree with. But that's quite a different thing than saying "strain doesn't matter". If you have to start with something nice and frosty to begin with, I think its pretty clear that strain DOES matter.


Well-Known Member
Testing. . .take it with a "slight" grain of salt:


o While a majority of labs performed within acceptable limits, some reported results that deviated substantially from the average, with unacceptable deviations of more than 25% from the mean. Three of the ten labs performed unacceptably on half of the tests. Conclusion: Not all cannabis testing labs are performing up to par; consumers are well advised to check the reputations and professional experience of labs they work with, and to arrange backup tests from more than one lab where accuracy is essential.
This article is from just earlier this year:


When Ean Seeb's prized strain Bio-Diesel won top prize in the Colorado Medical Marijuana Harvest Cup, he decided to see what the numbers were.

Seeb, co-owner of a dispensary called Denver Relief, took it to a nearby lab, which informed him that the THC accounted for 18% of the sample's weight, a solid showing. Then a marijuana review website took samples of the same strain to the same lab and got different results, with one coming in at a stratospheric 29%.

"There was no way that that plant was 29%," Seeb said.

Suspicious, he decided to blind-test the labs. Seeb put his marijuana buds through a coffee grinder to homogenize samples for five local labs.

One was a mobile lab. A young woman showed up with a gas chromatograph in a yellow suitcase and a tank of helium gas. "She had Rainbow Brite make-up, a spiked belt and tight jeans," Seeb said.

Once she set up the equipment, a heavily tattooed man joined her and donned a white lab coat. He spent two hours having problems calibrating the machine, while dumping his used solvents down the toilet. Seeb asked him what he did with the part of the sample he didn't use in the test.

"I smoke it," the man replied.

Within a couple of days, the results from all five labs came back, and they were all over the chart. "The whole thing was a joke," Seeb said.


New Member
Yawnnnnnnnnnnn , There is a reason some of us hold very rare elites .. Steroids , do you mean nutrients and additives ? I find this amusing
give me some time, ill have it when this batch is finished. i had them on my last batch its very simple to do on your own. you need an acute scale that will measure to the .001. you take .1 grams of finishes product dry very try make it powder add 2 mls of alcohol to each sample, let is sit for a 24 hrs then remove the bud particles and evaporate the weight left of the residue will equal out to what ever is missing from the bud particles and is pure thc.


Well-Known Member
Stupid ass. its the alcohol dissolving the trich's. it is not only thc. And still that doesnt tell you a thc %'age, it only shows who has more trich's.
yes, additives are steroids in my mind. There is no reason you should hold "rare elites" its a fucking plant that grows from the earth it is not yours and it would cost you nothing to give to some one.

Howard Stern

Well-Known Member
Well looks like you made quite a splash here on RIU. I am obviously to stupid to grasp your advanced ideas. No need to tutor, we will all be ok growing and hoarding our strains! LOL
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