I wanna start and I have ALOT of questions....


Active Member
1.okay so i live in oregon and i would love to be able to grow and it be legal, if not...well...oh well. so..... :leaf: how (if at all) can i get a license to grow for oregon?

2. okay i have 5 seeds already sprouted in pots. no leaves yet..they kinda look like sperm right now. but i really dont know how to go about doing this. i dont wanna grow in my house so :leaf:where can i grow outside and how do i take care of my plants?

3.:leaf: how do i know when to harvest my shit?

4.:leaf:what are different ways to dry it out and cure it....

can you all tell im a fucking newb yet?

please please help cause i have no idea what to do


Well-Known Member
1) I cant help u sry i dont live there!

2) If u dont wanna grow in ur house u have to grow outdoors, and u feed em nutrients

3) Get a microscope (youll get a feel of when to harvest after a couple of grows)

4) "search" ----> drying <---- AND ----> curing <----



Well-Known Member
Damn your sprouts look like sperm and you asking about harvesting and curing? slow down sunny!!

Fuk thats like impregnating a woman and worrying about teenage tantrums lol


Well-Known Member
at the top of this site there is a section called FAQ. i'd link, but Im lazy. most of your questions are answered there. start with the "how to grow MJ"section and just read read read. ask questions about things that aren't clear to you when you've learned a little bit. I dunno about anyone else, but Im not about to sit here and give you a step by step of how to do it when its up top there. after you read come back and ask questions specific to your needs.

Oregon weather right now will not be good to grow outdoors.


Well-Known Member
how do i now if it is growing right

its fairly simple. if the plant is green, and looks healthy, then it probably is.

if its yellow,brown, or any other funny colour then theres something wrong. if youre worried post up pics of the plant, sum1 will be able to tell u whats wrong. :bigjoint: