I wanna start Cloning


Well-Known Member
Production for myself and a few patients. As far as method....lol...I have no idea, as long as its the easiest to start with.
honestly the easiest would have to be aero cloning. Simple cut the clone from the plant at a 45 and insert it into the plug. Run the cloner 24/7 and change out the solution every 7 days or so. you'll have roots in no time! If you need more info than that and links to aero cloners or diy ones let me know.


Youtube Medicropper cloning techniques... you'll be come addicted!


Well-Known Member
Ive cloned several ways and the best results come from DIY bubble cloner. If your needin a bunch a clones probly be better to buy one. Like West Coast Cultivation said, cut em stick em in the cloner come back in a week and wala.



Well-Known Member
You don't need a video, you just need to do it. Think back to how your great grandparents grew roses or tulips. They usually got a cup of water, went out to the garden, cut of branches to their favorite flowers, and put them in a jar inside on a southern windowsill. If you have a fancy grow light or a hut, you're on easy street.

I bet you already know how to do this. If you've ever bought your gf or wife a bouquet of roses and watched them try and keep them alive, then you seen this happen IRL. First thing you do is cut at a 45* angle and use room temperature water. You then change that water out every 24 hours and mist them several times a day. That's it!

If you want to make it easier to transplant into a garden, you can go ahead and add *sterilized* potting mix, now. Ideally the potting mix should be formulated for seed germination. As for containers you can use just about anything. I happen to go to the gas station a lot and buy 44oz drinks from the soda fountain machine. They're insulated foam and come with tinted lids. I also use paper towel rolls. I cut them in half, fill them with Miracle Grow Seed Starting Mix, seal the bottom with aluminum foil, poke tiny holes with a toothpick for drainage and walla. I got biodegradable seed starting pots. In two weeks or when the roots are about five inches long, I take them into the garden and plant as-is.

It's basic gardening. Super easy stuff. Five year old kids do this all the time at camp and in elementary school. The "secret" if there is one is just to remember that they don't have roots. So mist them often. If you can't mist them, use a dome. Just watch out for mold because domes increase the humidity and temperature, which is precisely what mold is attracted to.


Active Member
Here are 3 easy options 1.Build/buy a bubbler or aeroponic system. 2 buy some cloning gel/powder and clone in soil cups/beds etc. 3 .air layering cannabis " Google it". Here are some air layering examples



Active Member
U can also practice air layering on outdoor weeds/bushes etc , until u get it down if your so afraid of loosing one.. pretty hard to mess up air layering .I use aluminum foil with a medium like peat or porting soil or a rockwool cube wet it down and only drain off alittle excess water scrape the sides of the stem ,apply clone gel/powder (optional) then cover with atluminum foil and cut from branch when I c the atluminum foil swell as the roots push out. You never need to open to check as this will only mess up your moisture levels and could dry out the clone. Just make shore it isn't so heavy as it could break that branch .


Easiest and almost foolproof, although not necessarily the fastest is perlite. Prepare cuttings and put in small container of perlite with holes on the bottom. The standard seed trays work fine. The perlite should be rinsed and wet. Set containers in an inch of water. If using the inserts for the standard size tray leave one slot empty to see the level of the water. Change water every few days. Tap water is fine. Within two weeks you should have roots. No dome is needed.