I want big buds!, but mine seem to be stunted. Help?


Okay, I'm growing in a 7'x8' foot room with HPS 1000 light on a 6' rail. Temps hover in the mid 70's to 80 degrees, low humidity, plenty of air. Feeding Earth Juice brand nutes which I bubble for 48 hours with earthworm castings and molasses (mix changes for veg and flowering), water in between with tap water (PH adjusted to 6.0). I am in my first grow and because my mentor left the state suddenly I was left with no "expert advice", so my plants were in veg state for 2 months. Now I'm in flowering, 3 weeks in, and my plants are tall tree like things with a canopy of buds. But the buds seem to have stopped growing or developing or something and I don't know if I can help them grow bigger somehow or what? Can anyone help me, or am I just going to have a small harvest? :wall:


Well-Known Member
If you want really big buds, organic isn't the way you go about that. If you want to stick with organic, stick with what you're doing, assuming your plants are healthy. Your plants will develop on their schedule, not yours.


Thanks. So there is a difference in yield if you go organic? I can live with that, I trust mother nature more than mankind, and I have plenty of room.


Well-Known Member
Thanks. So there is a difference in yield if you go organic? I can live with that, I trust mother nature more than mankind, and I have plenty of room.
Inorganic ferts still come from the earth as apposed to plants and animals and the plant doesn't care either way. But yes, synthetics will give you bigger yields.


Well-Known Member
-7'x8' foot room
-HPS 1000 light on a
-6' rail.
-mid 70's to 80 degrees, low humidity, plenty of air.
-Earth Juice brand nutes which I bubble for 48 hours with earthworm castings and molasses water in between with
-tap water (PH adjusted to 6.0).
-my first grow and because my mentor left the state suddenly I was left with no "expert advice"
veg state for 2 months.
-3 weeks in, and my plants are tall tree like things with a canopy of buds.
-the buds seem to have stopped growing or developing
-can help them grow bigger somehow

Any Pics?
What strains?
How many plants?
How close are they? Crowded or space between?
How big are the buckets?
What kind of medium? Pro Mix?
How often do you water/feed? How much water at one time?
How tall are the plants?
How far is the light from the plant tops?
What kind of reflective material do you have on the walls?
Where is the air entry for your room?
How is the air vented?

If you answer those I'll come up with some more.

- For maximum yield your 1000 watt lamp should be used for a maximum of a 4 foot wide garden, the 6' light rail is perfect for an 8 foot garden.
- In general a garden full of tall plants doesn't yield as well as the same garden full of short plants. It is possible, and quite easy, to bend you plants even 3 weeks into flower, to bend the stem and bring the height down to the tallest branch's length. Better yield, easier to tend, quicker finish.

At 3 weeks flower you buds could just be starting out, I wouldn't worry yet. Just be sure you have your lights, nutes, water, ph, air, cooling all set.


Strawberry Diesel - Elite; grown with stem bent horizontal and tied to the bucket rim.


CCOB Low Stress Training pictorial link - click >>> https://www.rollitup.org/smoke-reports/244210-kali-mist-serious-seeds-3.html




Well-Known Member

homebrewer that pic is a Strawberry Diesel, the "Kali Mist" below is a link though it looks like a caption. I'll edit in S.D. I used that plant because of the branch length.

Here are a few Kali Mist, all from the same clone. The shortest is 4" above the bucket rim.

Single Stem DWC - 60" // Double topped pro mix - 48"

The cola is 4" above the bucket rim. The bucket is 38" around and 12" across, the stem is over 48" long.

36 cola Kali Mist // 4" x 48" Kali Mist

12" to 18" colas

There's a pictorial for this style of Low Stress Training on this link (Crop Circle Of Bud - CCOB):




Bueno Time

Well-Known Member
How do you water the 4x48 Kali? Do you bottom feed or do you just pour the water/nutes in the areas where you can actually see the dirt LOL? Just wondering pretty cool though thats super low profile low stress training (slplst). Good job dude keep up the work and have fun!


Well-Known Member
I always use organic ferts and my yields are generally as good as anyone´s here. You say you have lots of stem but little bud - I had something similar when I tried to cram too many plants in a small space. They seemed to be competing with each other to the detriment of bud production.
And I thought I was an experienced grower then - we never stop learning!!


Well-Known Member

How do you water the 4x48 Kali? Do you bottom feed or do you just pour the water/nutes in the areas where you can actually see the dirt LOL?
There are a couple of inches between the bucket rim - cola tied to - and the pro mix in the bucket. It looks like the plant is sitting on the pro mix in the picture but it is not. Easy to water.





pics coming soon

bubblegum, blueberry, white widow, sativa, purple urkle


plenty of room to spread out but I have them gathered under the light

3 gallon

earth grow, nothing fancy

Water a small amount daily as they droop horribly if I miss a day. Once a week I feed with a tea I brew. I use earthjuice products I add molasses and earthworm castings brew for 24 hours. I recently had a Ph lockout so I flushed with low Ph water until the run off came out at 6.0. Had some nute burn but everybody is recovering nicely. Battling spider mites with AzaMax.

2-4 feet

2 feet from the tallest

I painted with a thermal retardant high gloss paint and I don't know what they call the black and white plastic covering all other spaces

the room is in the basement so the door is always open. I have an osculating fan that runs constantly and I have an ionizer on constantly. I recently learned how to make Co2 in the room

uh the door is open.


Well-Known Member

KrazieKarma I'm going out for a run to digest your info, but a couple of things that come to mind:


strains: bubblegum, blueberry, white widow, sativa, purple urkle - different heights, do you have the canopy leveled?

21plants in 3 gallon buckets - 12" diameter buckets? I'd like to see some pics of the plants, that's going to be hard to get in an 8'x3' grow area. Right off my advice would be to make a proper grow cage for your 600 watt light (thread linked below) and put as many plants in it as possible. The remaining plants do with what you want, get another light, plant them out doors, throw them away. With a 600 watt light in a proper 24 square foot grow cage and setup you should be able to grow 6 gallons of cured bud per grow within a couple of grows, if you want to grow in a 56 square foot room with a 600 watt light you'll be lucky to get a gallon.

earth grow, nothing fancy - What kind of medium? Pro Mix? B'Cuzz? Potting Soil?

Water a small amount daily as they droop horribly if I miss a day. - water/feed until water pours out of the bottom of the bucket; use the "lift the bucket" method of determining when the next watering is needed (light); soak again until you get run off. I'll go into why later, very very important. You will probably need to water twice to three times a week. I prefer 5 gallon buckets that I only have to water once a week, you can easily repot to 5 gallon buckets now if you want. It'd give you a chance to rough up your root ball and get rid of the root circling. (post #7 in the thread linked at the bottom of this post, first part, Air Pruning Buckets).

I flushed with low Ph water until the run off came out at 6.0. - up your PH to 6.3 - 6.8 for soilless, 6.5 preferred.

Battling spider mites with AzaMax. - install an air floor. Simple, cheap and will solve problems you don't know that you have yet. The second half of post #7 in the thread linked below.

2-4 feet - plant height

light is - 2 feet from the tallest plant top: Check the temperature of the light with the back of your hand an lower your hand until the heat is comfortable, that's what your distance should be. Probably 18" for a 600 watt, depending on ambient temperature and venting. Perhaps 12" with a light mover. Level your canopy top by putting your short plants on empty buckets, or by low stress training. See thread below.

I recently learned how to make Co2 in the room - Stop. It's useless for you right now. A needless distraction.

the room is in the basement so the door is always open. - Do you sit in the room during lights out? 15-30 minutes with a vaporizer, no light. Let your eyes adjust. Any light leakage? Cab you see your hand in front of your face?

I have an osculating fan that runs constantly and I have an ionizer on constantly. - I would advise building a grow cage (linked thread) and installing a fan to draw the hot air from the top of the cage and an inlet at the bottom (air floor), both for venting heat and for drawing fresh air through the canopy. Reduces mold and pests; increases air across stoma.



