I want to grow this


Well-Known Member
this strain is canadian in origin i belive. a type of weed we call "beasters". but i have no clue what the actual strain name is. my buddy likes it alot and wants me to grow it. here are some pics. hope some of you canadians are familiar with it.



Well-Known Member
not sure, but I'm pretty sure beasters is like saying, chronic, piff, dank, or this shit right here! meaning its just good weed :P


Well-Known Member
yeah beasters is just another name for bud from british colombia. it could also be called BC Bud. It's not a single strain but rather just good weed from BC (British Colombia) Canada.


Well-Known Member
yeah, beasters is just a generic term for good weed. Any strain you can find at the seedbanks should be as good as if not better then your weed if grown properly...


Well-Known Member
Can't say what strain it is but whoever grew it did a piss poor job of trimming it. Could you describe the flavor, smell, and high? Maybe someone could point you toward a strain with similar characteristics, who knows you might end up liking it better.


Well-Known Member
pretty much anything youll grow you will like better than beasters. i assume its a commercial strain they are growing so probably like big bud or something.


Well-Known Member
i cant really describe the taste from when i smoked it(it all got moved already). so freakin harsh. but i can tell you that the bud is rock hard. trying to pinch a large bud in my hand did nothing at all to change the buds shape. i guess that quality is what i am looking for in a production strain.


Active Member
Possibly Jack Herer? No idea but that is what my Jack looked like. Dark green with those red fibers. So do some research on that and see if it rings any bells.


Well-Known Member
so, what strain of marijuana is beasters?

beasters isnt a specific strain. its more of a classification like dank or schwag.
it refers to bud grown in british columbia. bc bud = beasters. its just another name. usually its commercially grown bud thats equal to high quality mids or low quality dank.

in my town the bud doesnt necessarily have to be from canada to be called beasters. people just use it to fill the void between mids and dank.

if youre looking for a strain to grow anything you pick will be better than beasters by definition as long as you grow it correctly