i want to know what you THINK!!!!!!


Active Member
I can tell you if you had a bigger light you would be doing a lot better. Doesn't look too bad for what you have.


Well-Known Member
Slightly overfed, and slight pH issues. Lookin' good though man, reminds me of when I was just starting out!!

A few quick words of advice:

Look into HID lighting, even if it is a 150 watt HPS for flowering. Puts off very little heat, but will get you much better results for around the same electricity.

I'm not sure what soil you are using, but if you can't afford pH tests, it is usually better to go with a soil like Happy Frog that is sort of discreetly tailored towards more acid-loving plants. Most potting soils you find are treated with lime, and therefor have a pH ~7.0, which is FAR too high for Phosphorous to be properly absorbed. This leads to poor root development, and poor nutrient metabolism. (A Phosphorous deficiency can actually show signs similar to nute burn, considering Phosphorous and Calcium are used in nearly every metabolic process the plant undertakes regarding nutrients.

I will say this though...Keep it up man!! A few tweaks here and there, and you will have it. I'm not sure what genetics those are, but I would also recommend looking into TGA, you will be taken care of. That kind of looks like some bagseed type of sativa, honestly. Can't ever tell too much from a pic though.

+Rep, and keep it going man!!

Bong Wizard

Active Member
I agree with bamacheese, look into a hid, no matter how small. You will be amazed at the difference. Other than that, looks good mate, keep up the good work!! Happy growing!:eyesmoke:


Thanks guys first grow, I took that plant from my original grow setup due to lack of space threw this together for now, i will deffo look into flowering with a HID, i also taught i was given her too much water aswell, so thanks again guys here's pics of the other three what do yas think? will i have enough space to flower all three or will i run into problems ?? let me know whaT yas THINK!!IMG_20130325_060957[1].jpgIMG_20130325_060110[1].jpgIMG_20130325_060101[1].jpgIMG_20130325_061012[1].jpgIMG_20130325_061004[1].jpgIMG_20130325_060140[1].jpgIMG_20130325_060121[1].jpg



Well-Known Member
Thanks guys first grow, I took that plant from my original grow setup due to lack of space threw this together for now, i will deffo look into flowering with a HID, i also taught i was given her too much water aswell, so thanks again guys here's pics of the other three what do yas think? will i have enough space to flower all three or will i run into problems ?? let me know whaT yas THINK!!View attachment 2585415View attachment 2585416View attachment 2585417View attachment 2585406View attachment 2585410View attachment 2585411View attachment 2585413
Those are gorgeous man...

Leads me to point further towards pH for that one plant you have that is showing signs of "burn". When you have other ladies that look that plush green and you are using the same soil/same technique, it can mean two things...

The plant that is yellowing is sensitive to a slightly high pH (What I believe is going on) or it is sensitive to nutes.

It really doesn't look like tale-tell nutrient burn to me, and the way the leaves are kind of swerving off in every direction, I've had that happen with pH problems before.

It is a really quick fix, though. Buy a $15 test kit, and add peat moss to your potting soil until you get your optimal levels. It's really that simple!! And stay away from dolomite lime, no matter what anyone tells you! 7.0 pH for cannabis plants is NOT OPTIMAL!!


Thanks mate ill get some peat moss today and add it! Iv got one them ph test kits the p.h of the water is between 6.5/7 but when nuts added 5.5/6 ph i think i really need a proper ph meter the color ones arent accurate :( thanks for the advice mate really appreciate it :D


  • bamacheese i was woundering if you would answer a question for me?? the roots to them plants are showin im goin to bud them this week should i get bigger containers or are they ok even though the roots are comin out the bottom!! :(
