I want to make a room in my house a smoke room

josh b

Well-Known Member
u need it to be trippy so get some random gnomes or summink and put em around everywere lol.


Def get a mini fridge, also I have a bar in my house, and the top of it comes off and under it there's a roulette thing and a place for playing blackjack :-P

Sorry if that doesnt make sense its hard to explain, but get one of those, and some sweet weed posters :weed:

Also, if somebody didn't already mention it, get a big ass stereo and a laptop.


Well-Known Member
forget couchs and chairs just have the whole floor like one big pillow. like cover the floor with matresses and then put big fluffy comforters over the matresses and then lastly put big pillows all over. also forgot electrical lighting, candles create a great atmosphere and burn incense. way classy.
can u say fire lol h a h a post is years old


Well-Known Member
this thread deserves to live. if i didnt need a room to grow thats what id do with my spare room SMOKE ROOM. ahh it would be awesome.

a hot tub
decent sound system with at least one speaker on each of the 4 walls
big screen hdtv. various game systems
nice/slightly trippy but not tacky wall paper or bud photos on the wall
nice lighting.
fridge/microwave/coffee maker, maybe a hot plate lol
munchie drawer/chest
mini bar
table for card games/gambling
shelves with various pieces i have on display/for use along with papers, rollers, tweezers etc. anything to help you get high with mason jars of my buds on display.


id never come out of that bitch.


I would put a sound system to play some music over, and maybe a T.V. Put up some cool posters too that are related to smoking...maybe some hendrix posters or something like that..you know what I mean? lol


New Member
Get some of those posters you stare into to see the 3d image :) and black light art...so you can have lighting options. Bad ass rope or track lights... you can get some of this in there too...



Staff member
ilike incense, candles, id do like a fun litle area rug, like fur or shag,id also make curtains (if theres windows) some cool lighting like a lava lamp , and maybe do a mural on the wall


Well-Known Member
I have a big leather couch with power and massage. A 50" plasma and a ps3 in my sunroom that's the only place I smoke.


Well-Known Member
Me too! The garage is getting old lol. Need a place to chill and jam some good tunes in a low light setting. Gonna get it done this winter, roll a fat one and break out the bong.


Yeahh I definitely agree keggerator. Or at least a mini-fridge. Make sure the couches have lots of pillows and are super soft. Lighting definitely makes a difference - try to set it up so it can be chill if you want it to be or a good party vibe with music etc if everyone wants that instead. Make it changeable!