I am wanting to join the military, and have talked to a recruiter but have told him I am still unsure. I have decided I want to join for sure but I am afraid if I tell him now he will call me in a give me a drug test, so I want to get clean first. I am about 5'9/5'10 and 145 to 155 pounds with an average build. I typically run a couple of miles 3 to 4 times a week. The last time I smoked was November 23rd, and before that I had smoked daily. I had bought a quarter ounce back in October and had that for at least 4 weeks before I quit, maybe more, and when I quit I still had at least a gram left, so even though I smoked daily I didn't smoke a whole lot. Yestryday I decided to start drinking lots of water and work out twice a day to speed things up. How long can I expect to pee clean? What can I do to get clean quicker?