I want to start an Aquarium...

Nice Pico's Meta.

Nice DSM you got with the Glossostigma and Hemianthus Calitrichoides Gastanker....see how good you know your planted tank lingo. ;) im sure i butchered both those spelling anyways lol
search craigslist for a large tank at a discount. Then make your own stand. make sure the tank is level. you can find tanks for as cheap as $1 per gal. then spend the extra money on a good filter and heater.
search craigslist for a large tank at a discount. Then make your own stand. make sure the tank is level. you can find tanks for as cheap as $1 per gal. then spend the extra money on a good filter and heater.

If this was advice for me, you sorta missed your opportunity a while back, I currently have a 36 gallon freshwater bowfront, and two Pico saltwater aquariums, 3 gallons each...But thank you for the input, and I can buy a tank for a dollar a gallon at petco right now, cause they're having their dollar a gallon sale...I bought a 10 gallon aquarium that I turned into a sump for the two saltwater reef aquariums
Awww yeah bitches! I got both my Pico reefs hooked up to the sump for a little while now, everyone is loving it! I also picked up a few new frags, I'll post pics when I get around to it...I think I have an addiction to coral...lol
No kidding bro! I don't even care about fish, just getting the coolest, most neon and fluorescent and glowing corals I can get my hands on!!

I don't know anything about fish,
I've just seen the difference.

And salt water tanks are ALWAYS cooler :D
looking great! Im still waiting on my HC to grow in before I can fill up my pico - shit is taking forever! How fast do your corals grow? Have you seem a noticeable increase in size? Once I get my dedicated shrimp tank up I'll trade you some for some frags ;)
I added 5 Buenos Aires Tetras to my freshwater office tank. They're pretty damn cool! Alittle bigger and more active than any of my other Tetras.
looking great! Im still waiting on my HC to grow in before I can fill up my pico - shit is taking forever! How fast do your corals grow? Have you seem a noticeable increase in size? Once I get my dedicated shrimp tank up I'll trade you some for some frags ;)
Right on! Yeah, coral grows pretty slowly, but I HAVE noticed a bunch of growth on my green trumpet...It started as one head with 2 mouths. Then it split to two heads, each with their own mouth...Now one of the heads has 2 mouths again, so probably within the next 3 or 4 weeks it's going to split again!

looking good man. i was just thinking about you & the tank, thanks for updating :)

i still want to get a nano

Get one...they're easy...Just remember you'll be spending about $100 per gallon, on the low side... ;) That and buying coral is horribly addicting! haha!
Oops... I bought another tank. $20 at the flea market for either a 5 or 7g eclipse all in one. Not sure the tank itself was a steal but it came with just too many extras and I had needed a 25w heater anyways so I had to buy it. Came with a heater, 4 extra filters still in the sealed bag, aquarium salt, N and P test strips, pH tester, water conditioner, a bunch of food, a book on tropical fish... I was expecting to pay $15 for the heater alone so I'm happy :) Just need to figure out what to put in it.

Oops... I bought another tank. $20 at the flea market for either a 5 or 7g eclipse all in one. Not sure the tank itself was a steal but it came with just too many extras and I had needed a 25w heater anyways so I had to buy it. Came with a heater, 4 extra filters still in the sealed bag, aquarium salt, N and P test strips, pH tester, water conditioner, a bunch of food, a book on tropical fish... I was expecting to pay $15 for the heater alone so I'm happy :) Just need to figure out what to put in it.


Make it salty!!!!!!!!!!!!! Haha, I know I know...but that thing would be a SICK little reef tank...super sweet deal! I just picked up a new 10gallon tank and built another sump...Petco is selling a delux 10 gallon tank setup with 50w heater, decent HOB filter, hood, light, etc...all for like 36 bucks! I need the sump for another reef build, and I have a coral order coming in on Thursday!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 15 pieces!!!!!!!!
So it's been a while, and I don't have any good pictures off hand, but here's a couple things...Dunno if I ever posted after my first coral order, but I have some pics here now. And I have my second coral order coming Thursday! I'm stoked!!!!






Just for reference, this is what the trumpet looked like when it first went into the tank, and you can see from the pic above that it has grow quite a bit!!!