I want to start an Aquarium...

Yes, very nice pics Gastanker...I would like to get some live plants too, but that seems a little more complicated...I learn fast, though, and all I need is a little guidance from people who've already been there.....So just to get this straight, 20 gallons is a "small" tank, yes?
Thanks, and totally true. Pet stores often sell partially aquatic as full aquatic or fully aquatic plants that have been quickly grown emerged that will dissolve when submerged, or high light high CO2 plants to people with low tech tanks.

If going the plants route (and it's definitely not necessary) I would again recommend planted tank forums. When people trim their tanks you can often get 10+ species for just the price of shipping. Plant them all and see what takes off - half may die but chances are several will really take to the environment.
I had...excuse my spelling...water spritsa and anachorst ( looks like common seaweed ), a few varieties of each...but you need mellow fish...my fish were pretty aggressive. It's cool watching them grow...I couldn't make no money on it though, I traded it in when I sold my babies every other month or so....amd that tangled brushy plant that float all around is great for breeding little fish...my brain must be fried, I can't remember the names!!
thats a pretty small tank yeah.

So I've never really kept fish...I could grab a 30 gallon instead with pretty much everything I need to start except airstones/pump and decorations, 30 dollars more than the 20 gallon setup....I just want something managable to start off with because I'm just now getting into the hobby seriously for the first time. But people everywhere seem to be saying start off with the biggest tank you can afford...I mean I guess this sorta makes sense, since it's easier to keep the waste levels down in a larger tank, but I don't wanna invest TOO much into it just to find out it's not really my "thing". Haha...I'm sure as soon as I set up the 20 gallon I'll be looking to buy myself a "real" tank...haha!
most plant stores, seem to be in it , only for the money.

but yeah, you want plants for your tank, prettier tank and happier and healthier fish.

less need for a filter too.
I always liked fish.
When I hit the lotto im gonna convert my whole wall into a shark tank.
So I've never really kept fish...I could grab a 30 gallon instead with pretty much everything I need to start except airstones/pump and decorations, 30 dollars more than the 20 gallon setup....I just want something managable to start off with because I'm just now getting into the hobby seriously for the first time. But people everywhere seem to be saying start off with the biggest tank you can afford...I mean I guess this sorta makes sense, since it's easier to keep the waste levels down in a larger tank, but I don't wanna invest TOO much into it just to find out it's not really my "thing". Haha...I'm sure as soon as I set up the 20 gallon I'll be looking to buy myself a "real" tank...haha!

if you like keeping tanks, you will want a bigger tank


its Easier keeping a tank,The Bigger it is ;)

happier fish, more fun for you (building a landscape)

amd all for a few bucks more (around here, my 50g setup cost over a grand (insane local merchants) after the financial crash, it would cost over 2 grand (though a very fine tank)
What sorta extra care do the plants need? Or do they just live off the fish waste...?

they need bit more light and a special fertilizer (its cheap (cant use normal ferts)

just ask for the fertilizer if its a good plantshop


you can always just get some freshwater weed (plant that grows fast and is easy to care for)

thats good for the fish and easy on the beginner. (javamoss or hygrophilia or something)
I always liked fish.
When I hit the lotto im gonna convert my whole wall into a shark tank.

Yeah, it's fun to just get stoned and watch 'em...This dispensary I used to go to had a nice saltwater aquarium in the waiting area, I always tripped out on the fish while I was waiting on my girl to get outta there...I know saltwater is probably a ways off for me, but thats the direction I'm eventually gonna be heading...But for now, I wanna see if I can keep some tropical freshwater fish alive, and maybe grow some aquatic plants...

I see these "bulbs" in the pet store, they say they grow into aquatic plants, like "water onion" and shit like that...are those not to be trusted?
Yes, very nice pics Gastanker...I would like to get some live plants too, but that seems a little more complicated...I learn fast, though, and all I need is a little guidance from people who've already been there.....So just to get this straight, 20 gallons is a "small" tank, yes?

It's not a nano but it's not large. 20 and 30 gallons tanks are pretty ideal for starting out on. In my opinion size really doesn't matter - I've seen absolutely beautiful planted 1 gallon shrimp tanks.

For some perspective - Here is my 10 gallon tank:

20 gallon tank:


40 gallon tank:

What sorta extra care do the plants need? Or do they just live off the fish waste...?

Like the other guys said - nutes, more light, and some need CO2 or a CO2 supplement like Excell. My 40 gallon tank uses 4 CFLs - so you don't need that much light. And you can always use a soil bottom tank instead of dosing with nutrients. I use a yeast sugar mixture for CO2 but could get away with a weekly dosing of Excel (plant available carbon you can buy at aquarium stores).

A 16w CFL provides great growth to my 10 gallon.
Remember, it's the surface area that matters most when it comes to how many fish you can have...taller doesn't help much...so some 50 gallons can basiclly hold as many fish as a 60 or 65 gallon of the same bottom dimensions...but taller always looks better.

My plants never required anything special but good flor. lighting....and a little deeper on the gravel. I always had alot of air pushing thru my tanks too.
I want a lump sucker - everything about them is amazing - even the name.
